Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

The Retrospective Planning Application.

Proposal: Retrospective Planning Application for the Erection of a Storage Unit

Application Summary

Application Number: 22/00509/FUL

Address: Hemsworth Water Park Hoyle Mill Road Kinsley Pontefract WF9 5JB

Ferret readers will recall Independent Hemsworth Town Council employing a firm of Planning “experts” to sort out the mess created by our own “in house expert of everything” ex chair of the council Jim Kenyon.

This was to remedy the serious issues that were created by the erection of the so called “free” store that was the brainchild of Kenyon, without either planning or building regulations permission.

Even back then, Kenyon had been repeatedly revealed as a serial liar with delusions of grandeur.

Oh how he delighted informing the other Councillors that no permissions were required and yet they listened to every word he spun and gave their approval.

The firm of experts appeared, aided by pound note signs no doubt, and took control and eventually submitted the retrospective applications.

Unfortunately, as reported by Ferret, the application was rejected and our team of experts were asked to provide important information that they for some reason, had failed to include:

Extracts from: Wakefield Council Drainage

  • A flood risk assessment has been provided as requested. This assessment demonstrates that the proposed development is permissible within flood zone 3 and that it will not increase off site flood risk by increasing surface water run-off.
  • The position off the culvert under the site has not been provided and a simple statement of the distance does not allow this to be properly assessed. Further information about the position of this culverted watercourse is therefore required.

Then again wonders Ferret, perhaps they and independent Hemsworth Town Council are worried what else could possibly be unearthed lurking under that building?

A further entry has now appeared (18 July 2022) on the Planning Portal finally satisfying the Planning Department.

Ferret hopes that this firm will not be charging this community for the errors they have made.

Independent Hemsworth Town Council:

Oops they’ve done it again, instead of being called Muppets, perhaps a more fitting name may be ……………. the Clangers.

By Ferret

2 thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council: Oops They’ve Done It Again…”
  1. Yet another example of allowing imbeciles to be put in places of authority and responsibility and consequently we all know it won’t end well. A simple phone call in the first place to WMDC planning department would have avoided all this because general advice as to whether planning permission was needed or not would have been given free of charge. Planning law is there for a reason it’s there to provide and protect the environment and community from any old tom dick or Jimmy building whatevers they like anywhere they like and to hell with what anyone else thinks and btw anyone from a building trade background should know this. Just imagine were there to be vital services such as gas water drainage etc directly underneath that building and anything went wrong with them or worse still they exploded whilst people were inside the building it doesn’t bear thinking about. That one reason we have planning laws to prevent such events omg the sooner this irresponsible crowd go the better for all cowboys of the worse kind. It will have cost a packet more money than had proper procedure been followed in the first place and we all know or ought to know local authorities do not tend to look favourably on retrospective applications and generally insist on everything being followed down to the letter of the law.

  2. how come our part time, full paid clerk didn’t offer hissage advice surely he would know in pp was required or at the least should have appointed due diligence to check then again puppet kenyon , strings pulled by loser pringle might have had a quiet word in the grateful forme councilor exempt from the previous witch hunt ear

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