Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

The following item was on the agenda at the Hemsworth Town Council meeting on the 14th July 2020.


To consider offers received from prospective buyers for the council’s plant

The Town Clerk informed the meeting that they had received 4 offers, for 3 items.

The highest for each:

  • Caterpillar excavator £17,500
  • Thwaites dumper £2500
  • McCauley tandem trailer £6000

Former Chair of Independent Hemsworth Town Council, Jim Kenyon informed the meeting that the total of £26000 meant they had saved the Council thousands of pounds for the use they had had out of them.

Anyone listening would have thought they had gone up in value such was his deluded reasoning.

What he failed to say was that the original price was £45000 plus driver training, not including himself as he unfortunately came “free” but the legacy left by him wasn’t.

  • Repair after repair bills.
  • Fuel.
  • Increased insurance.
  • All the costs associated with the “free” Farm Storage Unit (which are still ongoing).
  • The damage caused during use to utilities which had to be repaired by external contractors.
  • The cost of the remedial work being done to Sandygate Lane sports, Cemetery Road Sports and still needed following his adventures in “Tonka land” which has included the hiring of an external contractor.
  • The remedying of the waste disposal at Hemsworth Waterpark that one day will need to be sorted.
  • Much needed routine maintenance left undone in all areas of the township.

Ferret wonders who the lucky buyer is and if any declarations of interest needed to be made?

With £26000 burning a hole in their collective pockets, Jean Eccles will no doubt go into overdrive to purchase her much needed lift!

She may even need a hand getting it out of storage and positioned round the back of the Lakeside Café Bar, away from prying eyes seeing too much.

After all buying and selling the Hemsworth Town Council way, what could possibly go wrong?

By Ferret

One thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council: Machinery, massive losses…”
  1. No way is a lift being installed down there until after accessible and inclusive outdoor play equipment is Insitu!! They also need to open playworld every day nit just school holidays!!!!!

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