Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Ferret has been informed for a long time now, about people being bullied and harassed by Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair, Independent Hemsworth Town Council and his supporters whilst in attendance at meetings, on social media and also whilst out and about in public.

Bullying can and does take various forms:


Physical bullying

Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property. Ferret has been made aware of instances where people have been hit and pushed and had personal property damaged.

Ferret can distinctly remember Mr Jim Kenyon, fighting on an allotment site with a resident who did not agree with his antics and also others who have had  windows smashed and property damaged.

The physical intimidation of residents has been a common occurrence at Hemsworth Town Council meetings.


Verbal bullying

Verbal bulling includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal threats and abuse.

Ferret is also aware that this is a regular occurrence when Kenyon and his supporters try to prevent people speaking or used to try to avoid answering unwanted questions. Chair Kenyon continually talks down or over people, even when they try to raise points of order at Council meetings. Misogyny has been an ever present factor and also been used on a regular basis.


Social bullying

Social bullying, sometimes referred to as covert bullying, is often harder to recognise and can be carried out behind the bullied person’s back. It is designed to harm someone’s social reputation and / or cause humiliation.

Social bullying can include:

  • lying and spreading rumours
  • negative facial or physical gestures, menacing or contemptuous looks
  • making nasty jokes to embarrass and humiliate
  • mimicking unkindly
  • encouraging others to socially exclude someone
  • damaging someone’s social reputation or social acceptance.

This is absolutely a tactic that Mr Jim Kenyon has used for many years. The perfect example of this, is the lies he told about the previous Town Councillors using many social platforms and his comments and remarks to residents of this community including the less able are well known.

What’s the answer to all this?

Ferret believes the answer is always the same and bullies need to be stood up to. Easy to say and harder to do. Bullies are always cowards regardless of age, size or ability, and as Mr Jim Kenyon’s right hand man Dave Pringle found out, when he attempted to intimidate the ladies of our community and a gentleman at a meeting that stood their ground, he was shocked and soon retreated.

Remember, they are bullying to trying to stop honest people speaking out and exposing their wrong doings.

We need to remember that the decent and honest people are being targeted because they are getting too close for Mr Jim Kenyon’s comfort in exposing the extent of his lies, deception and harm he has done and continues to do to this community.

Ferret has nothing but the greatest respect and admiration for the people of this community that are showing the strength and determination to expose all that is wrong with this current Hemsworth Town Council led by Jim Kenyon and his allies.

By Ferret

2 thought on “Kenyon and Co: The Expert Bullies…”
  1. Kenyon Womersley and co have been a disgrace for years, it’s good they have now been shown for what they are. Long overdue but out at last. A pity that individuals and this community have had to suffer so much from little minded trash.

  2. This is why some people like to remain anonymous. Why some people only view the meetings online. I was asked by Ian womersley to attend meetings before covid and at the time I told him I didn’t feel comfortable with that and stated these reasons. Even he admitted that there was a chance of let’s say being “singled out”.

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