Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

At the Hemsworth Town Council meeting held on the 24 March 2022, The Chair of Independent Hemsworth Town Council Mr Jim Kenyon, confirmed his complete lack of any, even fundamental and basic business acumen.

When asked about the hugely expensive marquee bought at a price of over £7000 and then having to be repaired at a cost of over £1200, he defended it by quoting the income received on Bonfire night. However, once again he failed to mention actual profit, or how much was actually generated by the marquee.

As we all know but Mr Jim Kenyon doesn’t, profit is income less expenditure and not “how much money we made”. When asked about how much it costs to erect the marquee, he said there were no costs as the work was done “in house”.

He doesn’t even realise all work done in house has a cost to us the precept payers whose money pays the wages bill. In addition while workers are being used for jobs additional to their normal routines, raises more issues with extra cost implications.

So Mr Kenyon, when our workers are erecting the marquee what are they not doing? Are they erecting the marquee on overtime? If they are in normal time then when does their usual work get done?

Ferret believes given the state that much of our assets have been allowed to fall into, then this mindset is one of the reason for the obvious fall in standards and explains why Independent Hemsworth Town Council have had to bring in the previous service provision manager to put right many wrongs. Of course, each piece of work he is contracted to remedy is an extra cost to this community.

When asked where the marquee was now, his response was again evasive, with “in storage” but no mention of where that storage is. Ferret wonders if it is stored at one of the Eccles’ companies and if so at what cost or even possibly up for hire elsewhere?

Ferret readers will probably remember Mr Jim Kenyon’s humiliating defeat over the Kirkby Road site with Saul Construction and his feeble attempt to turn it into a great Kenyon victory with claims of how much he had “won” in the settlement deal, he even was so desperate he was even going to spend the £50000 already spent in 2015 again.

Well again at the meeting, he added this amount to his winning total of his settlement pay out saying he had saved it from having to be repaid. He really does think we are stupid, he may have forgotten but he had to sign away any call, yes any call on the section 106 money as part of that agreement, he may have conveniently forgotten but Ferret and this community haven’t.

The section 106 money is now under the full control of Wakefield and that is probably the best place for it while ever Kenyon is around. Kenyon and this community, now have to go cap in hand for any part of the outstanding £300000 which had been previously approved for use in the Hemsworth Township.

Mr Kenyon – When you walked out of the meeting that night you could have done this community a big favour and kept walking.

For everyone’s sake RESIGN

By Ferret

One thought on “Kenyon and Council Business: He Really Doesn’t Have A Clue..”
  1. Judging from this man’s history of “business” he hasn’t a clue about successful business running at all let alone council business. He’s definitely incapable of learning for as we know he’s never wrong

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