Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

When looking through the recently released November 2021 accounts for Independent Hemsworth Town Council, Ferret was shocked to see just how many entries there are for legal advice / services from various Solicitors and Legal firms.

Independent Hemsworth Town Council spent a total of £11,665.58 of YOUR precept on this in November 2021.

Ferret would hope that due to the fact Mr Jim Kenyon, Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council and his Independent cronies wayward spending of YOUR precept money on needless litigation has now been exposed that it will now cease.

However, knowing what we do of Mr Kenyon….

By Ferret

5 thought on “November 2021: £11,665.58 spent on legal fees…”
  1. More of our money wasted, but why so many different firms? After all isn’t he the expert in what a laughing stock he’s made of us unfortunately

  2. £11k!!!!! Just think what that money could do to our locality. It is despicable that our money is being spent this way.
    It was going to be lose lose either way, I just cannot understand why.
    The total for the solicitors must be eye watering. They have broke it into months so it doesn’t look so bad but I’m sure Ferret will find out the real total!!!
    Get these people Out!!!!

  3. Let’s hope it’s the last of the legal advice fees for Kirkby road but what I don’t understand is why the different firms, unless of course our mate, the all knowing expert Kenyon, wouldn’t accept the advice that didn’t agree with him and went on spending trying to find someone who did. But what a shocking waste of precious community money that could have and should have been spent here. Kenyon and all the others who have been part of this hang your heads in shame. I don’t know how you dare face our community.

  4. I also looked through the spending and found another one : Bailoran Solicitors! No idea where they came from, or why. They just keep on spending. Shocking stuff.

  5. £1635.30p petty cash spent in november phones and telephone system and phones £865 there spending is unbeleivbable… ..why they gone back to stating petty cash

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