Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

A Seasonal reprise of – A few but only a few of Kenyon’s “achievements” in brief.

On the second day of Kenyonmess, Jimmy gave to me…

Sandygate sports facilities – Opposed by Kenyon

Readers will already know that the Sandygate football facilities were in use from about 2012 although they were actually ready to be used from about 2 years earlier.

Mr Kenyon being the reason for the delay, by utilising every method and means you can imagine and some you probably cannot.

He sabotaged talks with local football teams convincing them that that the facilities were substandard at every opportunity and telling them they were entitled to much more, and to this day he will tell everyone and anyone who will listen that he knows better than Sports England, Wakefield Planning, the Government District Valuer, and even the F.A. turf and drainage specialist.

Of course, as always, he knew better than even the Courts…

By Ferret

2 thought on “The 24 Days of Kenyon-mess…”
  1. I remember at the time all the bruagh and shenanigans over it. A friend of mine involved with them would frequently tell me how the facility was rubbish unfit for purpose and not worth a toot on a rag man’s horn. I thought at the time surely a brand new purpose built facility can’t be as bad as my friend claims. I purposely unaware to my friend went up there to see for myself and find out and form my own opinion. I wasn’t shocked to find the exact opposite of what my friend had been telling me, a brand new state of the art purpose built facility which I know would be the envy of and certainly welcomed by many other towns given half the chance. On my next meeting with my friend he again mentioned the facility and I asked him have you been up there to which he replied no I don’t need to I told him well maybe you should do so before arriving at opinions based on whoever is filling your head up with shite. The same man’s grandkids now use it regularly and he goes up there to watch them. Lies more damn lies were put out about that place especially by some who ought to really have known better but then again why let truth get in the way if it serves your own political ends

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