Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret finds it strange that Independent District Councillor Mr Ian Womersley seemingly remains in hiding.

This is the man that has never held a surgery, has removed his Facebook pages, has resigned from Hemsworth Town Council yet remains in his paid role as Ward 7 District Councillor.

To ensure “open and transparent” communication is restored here is his phone number:

07810 630871

By Ferret

15 thought on “Councillor Womersley – Contact details…”
  1. Yes strange but more importantly unacceptable. As a paid councillor he should be accountable and accessable to all the people he represents. He still hasn’t answered the outstanding questions that we know he has received and also removed any way other than knocking on his door to reach him. This is obviously no use to disabled people or people who may not be able to get to Ackworth. So put these matters right, explain yourself as a priority or resign and let someone represent the area properly, with integrity and decency.

  2. letter i put in to htc was refered to womersley as he had been dealing with it …week later again messaged clerk heard nothing asked for my number so womersley could ring me ….no i gave them my email to pass on morning at 6.01 am message from ian womersley saying I have tried to contact you via phone recently, however I have now been given your E mail address, would you like to forward me your concerns and I will do my best to help.

    Regards Ian…funny he aint got my number so who he been ringing? 2 he should know my concerns as he had been dealing with it….previosly …did htc lie to me and public when at meeting thats what they stated live….not happy with reply i got but i will be attending meeting 3rd november at 7 pm at cedars

  3. Carol – the extraordinary meeting is on the 4th November at 7.00pm not the 3rd would hate you to miss it, when you’ve got something important to raise. Hope you get it resolved.

  4. These details are available on the WDMC website – is the phone number not valid now? The email address certainly is, I’ve had correspondence with Ian as recently as October 18th from that address.
    Correspondence address:
    C/O Town Hall
    Wood Street
    WF1 2HQ
    Mobile: 07772 715884

  5. Cathy, November 3rd is the steering group meeting, which Ian is attending.

  6. I fully understand your concerns which are justified, and I first want to start to invite you to a meeting at 7pm on the 3rd of November at the Cedars business centre were projects for all the villages in ward 7 will be discussed and submitted, to include re vamping of play areas, and youth projects to name a couple….thats what he sent me ..diffrent meeting

  7. Lyn, he’s been trying to sell his hemsworth home for some time now, his new home is in Ackworth, I could print exactly where but I will not.

  8. If Lyn has had correspondence from Ian Womersley as recent as the 18th of October, this makes matters much worse for him. He is obviously selectively replying to who he wants and not to the serious issues that the outstanding UNANSWERED questions raised that were sent to him. This is nothing short of showing contempt for the people he is supposed to represent.
    As for the phone number change, this is a person who does not hold surgeries and asks people to contact him, gives the impression he is readily available but does not respond to emails and appears to have changed his phone number without circulating the number to the electorate he represents and uses as an excuse not to hold surgeries. DISGRACEFUL

  9. Thank you Lyn & Carol
    Hope you get things sorted Carol, and hope the first steering group meeting goes well.

  10. The correspondence was with regard to the steering group meeting on the 3rd.

  11. I was going to ask him about a statement he made where he stated he was going to chair the steering group. Now I find this odd because surely the chair should be appointed by Wakefield or at the first meeting by being voted into position by the other group members. The chair should be a hard working and diligent person. By his own attendance record for council meetings and his failure to hold surgeries or even answer questions submitted to him, he has shown he is not fit to be part of the group let alone chair. I hope this is just one of the many lies that come from his mouth and dealt with accordingly. As said I was going to ask him but he’s disappeared.

  12. i thought bodger womersley was lying low in badgers set

  13. Closed down his Councillor page!… resigned from HTC!… Moved house!…changed his phone number!….its obvious this man does not want to be bothered with council business!…Well if thats the case then he should resign from his paid Wakefield position! Also the only thing he should do with the steering group is “steer clear” of it!

  14. Ah, I see. I live nearby and still see him at the Hemsworth house, hence my question.

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