Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

The local elections are scheduled to be held in the United Kingdom on 4 May 2023.

This is the opportunity to elect 15 new councillors for Hemsworth Town Council to represent us for the next four years.

Due to the conduct of the Independent “cabal” candidates prior to the last elections, when lie after lie was communicated to our communities, both verbally and in writing, Ferret believes a trip down memory lane is required.

Day 4

For over the ten years prior to their election in 2019, Kenyon assembled around him a set of people, some of whom were extremely gullible and others who were and are of the same ilk as he is.

The elections came and they launched into their campaign dreams with the immediate vote to convert the Lakeside café and children’s play into the bar or otherwise known as a return to the sixties era.

Their Dream, that soon became our nightmare.

Their promises of record income that would finance the world for us and even give a £200,000 precept reduction soon turned sour.

This council benefited from increased income from the precept due to an increase in housing in the area and also were lucky enough to benefit from large covid related grants and yet the pledged precept reduction from the first year in office never came.

Four years later and we are still waiting.

The Lakeside bar has run up losses of over £400000 pounds to date.

What also came was Womersley’s and Kenyon’s dream of a new leisure area on the Kirkby road site.

Unfortunately there were major problems:

Womersley’s dream was another Waterpark without the water, whether we needed it or not.

Kenyon’s was a tribute to himself in the shape of it becoming the Kenyon sports stadium.

Saul construction however, were not going to be bullied and fought their decision to rescind the deal without compensation for works completed.

After spending hundreds of thousands of pounds in legal fees and plans, because they hadn’t read or taken note of legal advice readily available to them, they had to concede to a humiliating defeat and climb down.

Unfortunately they also lost the section 106 money of £300,000 for this area and the affordable housing as well.

Womersley’s past record caught up with him also and his atrocious record and work ethic of a councillor was revealed to the community.

To say some people were shocked would be an understatement because he had duped them for so many years.

His promises were never kept or were the completed work of others.

From the very first council meeting, Ferret believes they laid the foundations of their plans to squeeze every drop of money from this community from every conceivable area.

They even installed the Eccles’ former accountant as the council’s internal auditor to smooth the way.

Some of the councillors quickly resigned because of their colleagues actions, Holmes and Bugge were the first.

Womersley hung on by doing his usual disappearing trick, until he realised his existence as a councillor was at real risk.

He eventually resigned from the Town Council but not unsurprisingly, didn’t resign from the paid councillor at Wakefield.

Important Dates:

Publication of Candidates: 5 April 2023

Polling Day: 4 May 2023


By Ferret

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