Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Ferret was really surprised to have it brought to his attention that the Chair of Hemsworth Town Council really did have a “qualification”.

Now for Councillor Kenyon to actually have a qualification was a real revelation but for Mr Kenyon not to tell the world about it is astonishing and frankly gobsmacking.

So you may ask, when did this qualification reveal itself?

It was actually witnessed when the Town Council put on the recent Brass Band concert and Bingo entertainment.

Councillor Kenyon whole heartedly joined in to entertain the audience at this musical event with some pre-concert entertainment or as the warm up act whatever you may wish to call it.

Here is the proof from the Brass band concert of his musical talent:

Jim on the fiddle

Well you never expected it to be genuine did you?

By Ferret

6 thought on “Kenyon: an unsung “Qualification””
  1. Pity he couldn’t have done the same for the Fitzwilliam and kinsley treat for the elderly when he was invited
    Instead he just didn’t bother turning up or letting the organisers know in fact even vice chair Stan was sat waiting for him not knowing what was happening
    but hey ho he will think of an excuse not the true facts that it wasn’t any thing to do with hemsworth so he didn’t want to know

  2. “Jim”ll fix the bingo” lol, well it wouldn’t surprise me one little bit.

  3. Kenyon caught playing housey housey, and here we all are thinking he doesn’t like new housing developments!!
    Only one person will get the jackpot I’ll bet

  4. I’m surprised this idiot knows his numbers, well he can’t make a balance sheet add up can he.

  5. Talking of musical ability…after the massive spend at the lakeside in preparation for the grand reopening, after a purpose built stage was made so as acts could perform for councillors and friends. Well one of these “friends” was one of the first to tread the boards on that very stage….Yes its that guy from the meeting who heckled alongside mr Pringle…ladies and gentleman I present Mr Tom Stratford with his ukelele and his george formby type routine. I wonder what his fee was?

  6. I’m told that this years Fitzwilliam and Kinsley treat will be the last one as well! Pretty sad, but the current organisers can’t go on forever and have done a fantastic job over the years, they should receive proper recognition for that…..End of an era.

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