Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret has been made aware that a stock take on 28 January 2020 took place at the Lakeside Café Bar.

This valued the stock at £10407.61.

As we all know, National Lockdown due to Covid came in very shortly after this date.

Ferret has to wonder what happened to all this stock.

Rumour has it, a fully loaded white van was seen leaving the Lakeside Café Bar and travelling through Gordon’s gate…

By Ferret

30 thought on “Lakeside Café Bar – Stock Take”
  1. Yep parties galore
    Eccles Kenyon pringle bugge they were all in on it
    Not content of supping the beer away while the Lord and lady pf the Manor at the actual pub they take it home too

  2. Well I’ll tell you what, Ferret, judging by the amount of time it took them to decide to offer paid for in advance meals to the vulnerable precept payers, they certainly didn’t use it to help out during the first lockdown.

  3. Should there not be a procedure in place to keep tags on what happened to the stock afterwards, i.e sales, disposal/wastages etc. Surely “legally” it can’t just disappear “through Eccles gate”? Lockdown didn’t come into force until March. There should be sales records until then at least, they had at least 2 months of trading still. Or is it that the only trade was for the JK private members club.

  4. In a time where people couldn’t see their grandchildren, their children’s their mothers daughters sons all the vulnerable were shielding , the world was gripped in the panic of what was happening
    These lot were sat in Eccles garden drinking all the beer and spirits from the park
    having zooms from Eccles all sat in same room drinking our profits
    They didn’t even care who saw them they were that brazen about it all

  5. Where do they find these companies from? After a search for “stocktakers ltd”…the only one I could find was in Keighley. The stocktake took place January 2020…the company was dissolved 1st October 2019!…Could be a different company with the same imaginative name of course..but I cant find them! 🤷‍♂️

  6. You would expect procedures in place but who knows? I wonder how much stock was being delivered when they were closed?

  7. I can tell you now that the meals they are still delivering are becoming more substandard by the week. Especially meat portion sizes. I’m thinking they’re trying to put the elderly off having them so they can stop doing them without backlash.

  8. There was certainly payments being made to food suppliers in April, 800 pounds to brakes on the 14th April …

  9. “The Stocktakers limited” were paid to do a stocktake on 25/02/20 …£192


  11. alot of drink and food and icecream and toys bought threw lock down even thou they couldnt open …or did they break covid rules? and the wages didnt they get furlonged with goverment paying a big percentage? have they stopped putting up the experdutures on sites …cause public noticing what they spending there money on shitt

  12. i can tell you now i had no involvement in it i took nothing from the pub dont brand me with them

  13. So was you not seen sat in their garden drinking during lockdown while everyone was banned from meeting their loved ones
    Did you not know where that alcohol came from

  14. I only went in once for a dinner and about turned when I saw the chef carrying a chain saw

  15. definitely not sat in their garden no i wasn’t i was not in the circle the only time i was at the park during lockdown was to deliver meals and i did that 6 or 7 times

  16. As you say Steve you weren’t in the circle. That’s been my contention all along HTC is currently ran by a Very very tight circle whose agenda and decisions are made in private undemocratic behind closed doors and in the absence of the vast majority of other councillors. This charade of smoke and mirrors will run its course people are becoming aware of it they’re no longer fooling anyone anymore other than their loyal band of I’ll accept and believe any old shite even when I know it’s not true brigade. We all know what the desired end game is of these antics some of us already knew what they were long ago let’s face it it’s not a secret is it it’s public knowledge and has been for years

  17. and so it continues time for action enough been said and printed

  18. they were all sat in the lords mannor laughing they are reading these comments n still laughing time we got off or collective arses n keyboards and did something about it

  19. i have just emailed draper requesting info on who i can see to report a no confidence in the current htc cabal and their frittering away of precept monies

  20. sent to wakefield now hope a certain iw is not issued to deal with the complaint

  21. Something has to happen before he does permanent damage to the 3 villages.

  22. i completely agree i suggest we all email wakefield with our concerns

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