Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

In a recent Town Council meeting, local fisherman had been invited to provide suggestions to help solve issues which they are facing at the Waterpark.

Many of these issues are due to Independent Hemsworth Town Council failing to spend any money at all on the fishing lakes since taking office back in 2019.

One of the attendees, suggested a steering group be set up – Councillor Jean Eccles balked at the idea stating that “the Councillors make the decisions – not the public”

Ferret finds it strange that back in Policy and Planning Committee Meeting 2 October 2019


· A sub-committee will be established named the “Kirkby Road Sports Complex” sub-committee.

· The sub-committee’s membership will be all members of the Policy and Planning Committee and Mr David Pringle as an unpaid advisor.

· The sub-committee will only be advisory and have no authority to make decisions or incur any costs.

· The sub-committee will meet on an ad hoc basis.

· The sub-committee’s terms of reference are to discuss possible options regarding the future of the sports complex and to report back with any resultant recommendations for approval by the council and/or relevant substantive committee.

Wouldn’t this be exactly the same remit a steering group would have?

It seems to Ferret, that they make the rules up as they go along….

By Ferret

17 thought on “Making the rules up as they go along…”
  1. This is the same David Pringle, Husband of Cllr Linda Pringle, who the public have rejected time and time again when he has stood for election under Kenyon’s flag. The same David Pringle that likes to throw his not so little bulk about while using his even bigger mouth to suppress any public challenge to this “independent” council. Well he fills all the criteria and qualifications they would require, a perfect “advisor” by their standards. As for lady in waiting of the waterpark Jean Eccles/Martin, and the other councillors who must have supported her views no change there, definitely one rule for them and do as we are told for us while they redistribute our community assetts and our money for the benefit of themselves and cronies.

  2. I’ve had a couple or so sayings recently that I have used a lot and they seems appropriate here too.
    “As it suits” ,using guidance and law as and when it suits their purpose, or indeed ignoring it as and when it suits the purpose.
    Also there’s “carry on regardless” and “move along nothing happening or to see here”

  3. So this group was set up in October 2019, when did it meet, how many times, what were its recommendation etc. When did the council approve or otherwise these recommendations? FOI may be useful here.
    I might be wrong but wasn’t Kenyon’s master plan, bought and paid for by us, released before this time, as I remember some very nasty remarks being made by his royal Highness Kenyon to residents who dared raise objections or simply query the details he was releasing on social media and intimidation taking place at meetings. Yep some of us still have them Jimmy, oh sorry disrespect intended, your royal lowness.

  4. im not a fishing person …but know many are ,,my concerns after watching meeting is the amount of money it would cost to drain ponds and restock as they said they asked ian womersley to look into funding …they had a quote last year and inflation will push it higher ..nearly 400000 ?estimate ..but really im sceptical that this is being done not to attract people it being done so theres no cost for future owner lol ……as some one said in chat room they restocked the park in fitzy and poachers were just filling there bags with fish,,photos got put up of the culprits but not heard if they involved local authoritys ….waste of money as now until the comunity get to know what the intentions are for water park …ie is it staying a public domain or is it going to get sold at a later date? think that needs asking at next meeting ferret please?

  5. Another case of jobs for the boys! David Pringle…a very close friend of JK!!Dave has been the secretary for the made up Hemsworth Community Forum for 12 years…failing several times to get elected himself onto HTC in that time! So lets make up another group and make him part of that too is the plan! He was appointed as an “unpaid” advisor to the group. I wonder if he is an “advisor” also to his wife? Who just happens to be a councillor for HTC! So this man could be having a direct input into decisions made regarding council matters! This does not sound right! He has never been elected by parishioners ! Just like his friend the chairman, who was never voted on either!

  6. Pringle no surprise. Nobody has popped him but he can’t stop influencing and interfering. Kenyon must admire him as he sometimes gets his instructions from him at the meetings. Especially when he is sat tapping his watch at the start of the council meetings

  7. The neglect of those lakes is so obvious more so the lower one it’s become overwhelmed with reeds under the surface of the water and rushes are growing unchecked and spreading its like it’s been abandoned to nature and left to go wild. Areas like that need regular maintenance if not they’ll eventually cost a damn sight more for failing to do so. They may have an ulterior motive for this deliberate neglect

  8. I have seen Pringle tapping his watch, false coughing and trying to get the attention of Kenyon. Quite laughable as it’s that obvious.
    Pringle is also a “Kenyon” cheerleader at meetings. He can be quite loud and intimidating when he spouts off.
    I’m wondering if the new “Hemsworth Badger” on FB is Pringle.

  9. An easy fix would be for the fishermen to arrange a “friends of waterpark lakes” and to luase with the council to start cleaning up some of the lake. This was suggested at a council meeting but shot down for health and safety reasons by Jean. She said it was too dangerous, health and safety etc. She was then questioned on why they allow children and young people to go in the lake, they don’t stop them. No answer to that comment.

  10. Pity she didn’t feel so strongly about health & safety when they were erecting the new building. Plus the building they are putting up on Kirby road no one wears safety helmets and doesn’t have scaffolding up, they just stand on anything. Accident waiting to happen.

  11. After reading “Hemsworth badger” it seems clear in my opinion it is J*mmy again!! The same words/wording and theme are a giveaway! Janet bower himself has even shared the “badger” on their FB page. After all that has been said by the town clerk about online abuse etc..he could not resist to get vindictive all over again!! He has made a “poor job” of covering his identity.. perhaps he should have called himself “Hemsworth BODGER” !!

  12. Well Badgers recent post “Free “
    Just confirmed everything that is wrong with HTC
    So instead of employing the right person for the job, they gave one of the councillors wife the position.
    Whether she was the right person or not is irrelevant just by the Badgers post they’ve shot them self in the Paw

  13. thanks badger/ bunyon you’ve just confirmed the corruption that ferret has been exposing. From your own mouth, your words, the confirmation is now out there for all to see.
    If you think giving a Councillor’s wife, a top job, on a top pay scale with no qualifications as a favour to another Councillor, clears you and dams them, you are definitely a set of sick in the head people. With acceptable standards like this you’re doing ferrets job for him/her. Hey can you find a job for the ferret now that your lies and standards are now public knowledge. Seems poor ferret will be redundant poor little animal. Ferret please run this as a headliner

  14. An Pot they don’t think things through at all. What an own goal.

  15. It’s beyond laughable Kenyon can now falsely claim comedian as one of his qualifications now 😂😂😂 🤡🤡🤡

  16. ferret just asking noticed from meeting on 9th september that everythiong that the comunity was against on the live feed which town coucil defered ….has all been passed lol …) Access to the top field from the main road
    Resolved that the access to the top field (at the dropped kerb) be approved
    with f) Quote for remedial work on the drains in Playworld
    Resolved that this item be referred to the next council meeting.
    g) Quote for the removal of algae from the lakes
    Resolved that this item be referred to the next council meeting.
    h) Renovation of the outside toilets
    Resolved that this item be referred to the next council meeting. the two trees to be removed and re-planted elsewhere in the park.218 ALLOTMENTS
    a) Appeal regarding a paddock at Wanneville
    Resolved that the appeal be agreed conditional upon there being no further
    tenancy beaches.
    b) Paddock/horses policy
    Resolved that having been considered, this item be deferred.
    c) Request from Keepmoat to use former garage area for storage
    Resolved that the request be approved but with a charge of £200 per month.
    a) Request for fixed goalposts on the 7v7pitch
    Resolved that the request from Hemsworth West End Terriers for fixed
    goalposts on the 7v7 pitch be approved conditional upon them providing
    the materials.
    b) Reduced fees for teams
    Resolved that:
    • Those teams with less than half of their membership from the parish will
    pay half of the grass pitch fees.
    • Those teams with more than half of their membership from the parish will
    continue to have their grass pitch fees fully waived.
    c) Planning application
    Resolved that the planning application be withdrawn.
    The town clerk reported on the (anonymized) freedom of information so hemswoth town council not listened to the public and work started before they were passed were is the money coming from and what trees ? the trees in vale head park wakefield council or the sapplings they planted ….think the road side green gonna be made in to a car park next lol

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