Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret has already, in a previous post explained that the Waterpark had a Café with a small play area prior to the Independents taking control of Hemsworth Town Council in 2019.

The new Independent Hemsworth Town Council led by Mr Jim Kenyon instructed the Clerk to open the Café as a licensed bar at “whatever the cost”.

That cost, paid by YOU was £63224.64

Here is the ledger from the first year of its operation giving you a full breakdown of where YOUR money went.

By Ferret

16 thought on “Lakeside Café Bar Conversion Costs”
  1. Look at all those ‘cash book’ entries! They’ve just given someone the council bank card and told them to go wild and buy whatever they want. Crooks.

  2. First I must confess my ignorance in the field of accounting and would be obliged if ferret or someone could clarify the points I raise and enlighten me. On giving this balance sheet a quick look at I see a lot of cash book entries and purchase ledger entries. Does cash book entries mean that the item or service provided was paid for in cash? One particular entry stands out on the 19/07/19 concrete paths £8788 not a small amount of money it does not say who it was paid to and to be honest neither do I know where the paths are either. Most legitimate business I know of do very little cash transactions and is done by invoice and settled electronically via banks. Please enlighten thanks in advance Fat Albert.

  3. I’m the same I don’t know how these things work. But I do know that where I work we are cashless everything done electronically everything paid out has to have a piece of paper to spend, to pay, to get paid back. Even then it’s paid back through electronic means. If the entries under cash book are actual cash payments I.e petty cash why on earth are they holding such large amounts like that. Petty cash is a small amount for small incidentals. But as I say I’m not savvy with accountanting protocol.

  4. Wow !! At least they have a good cash register/ till system in place now.. well it should be considering it cost £8668.75….one of the companies used was the online security experts “Pro Logic” and all avid readers of Ferret have heard of them before !!

  5. Anybody recall how much Shancys got during lockdown? How much grants?

    Be interesting to know how much of Kenyon brown nosers have hot so far?

    Helens group?

    West End Terriers with Nigel brown nose championing Kenyon and Forlletti

    Plus Shancys. They were chosen by Ian and Jim in the pandemic to receive a sizeable amount in grants to distribute to the needy.

    I notice that Helen and other brown nosers never criticise Kenyon Cabal

  6. My understanding is that cash book is where all the cash receipts and cash payments made are recorded.

  7. Not all west end terriers managers and teams are up his backside. There’s been some run ins with Kenyon.

  8. If you’re referring to Helen Richardson, you are massively out of order. Helen absolutely is not a Kenyon brown noser, and very rarely if ever gets anything from HTC. She runs a neutral Facebook group that doesn’t comment on politics, even when it means she can’t support her friends publicly.

    You can either apologise for that remark, or withdraw it, or start praying I never find out who you are as I will make a point of coming and demanding an apology in person.

  9. I think I know the answer to why they never found any malpractice or malfeasance when they had the forensics audits which cost six thousand pounds of precept payers money. Having just done a little comparison excercise and pulling out at random budget reports from the previous council’s tenure I find very little or none at all in cash book entries, however I do see plenty payments made by BACS which there is always an electronic trail for if needed. A organisation the size of HTC that deals in huge amounts of public finance is bound to be the subject of criticism and suspicion when it conducts a large amount of that business by cash it’s really not the done thing in this day and age and is antiquated and far from best practice which you would expect to see from a body which is funded and paid for by the hard earned contribution of its residents. If I or you were to go into your bank and start dealing in large cash withdrawals and deposits I’m certain their would be some red flags against your name and possibly a few phone calls made

  10. i asked town clerk for all funding and grants issued in last 10 years to who and what from and by whom …i got a reply then can only go back 9 years and info they sent me not what i asked for waste of time

  11. Absolutely right, cash payments on this scale is alarming and surprisingly there is no reference to it by the auditor, very alarming on both counts.

  12. So, to put the record straight, there was a £200 grant last year to Hemsworth Food Pantry, and that’s it. I don’t think any of the local food banks got anything substantial, if at all, from HTC apart from that.

  13. So, to put the record straight, there was a £200 grant last year to Hemsworth Food Pantry, and that’s it. I don’t think any of the local food banks got anything substantial, if at all, from HTC apart from that.

  14. A kind soul has messaged me to tell me that one of my comments sounds like a threat.
    This was not the intention.
    I simply want this anonymous person to realise that they have accused someone falsely and need to apologise.
    I am very angry about this unjust accusation, and perhaps the language I used was stronger than was necessary.

  15. No doubt the money wasted needlessly on forensic audits, idle plant machinery and hopeless legal cases would have gone a very long way in helping food banks it’s called getting your priorities right and sadly HTC are lacking in it. We live in one of the most economical depressed areas in the country and all HTC seem interested in is pursuing costly legal actions that sadly whichever way they go will still put the precept payer at a loss. Youth unemployment one of the highest in the country health inequalities one of the highest in the country life expectancy one of the lowest in the country but never mind chaps we’ve got you the Venga boys. If they’re so cash rich then maybe they’d be far better engaged in helping to try and address some of the issues I mention above. How about taking some of the young unemployed kids on and give them some proper training and work experience and a wage to go with it you can’t eat or wear a geriatric pop concert

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