Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret has been informed that the Chair of Independent Hemsworth Town Council Mr. Jim Kenyon, has contacted his fellow Councillors to tell them that “under no circumstances” will he resign.

Even if this is true, his fellow Councillors elected by YOU the precept payers, can refuse to conduct any Council business whilst He remains Chair.

Actions speak louder than words…

Over to you Councillors.

By Ferret

11 thought on “Kenyon “I will not resign””
  1. Well are you councillors (wo)men or mice. People with minds of your own, truly independent or lackeys to a compulsive liar. Up to press you’re lackeys. The time has long gone when you could deny that Kenyon was decent and credible or even honest. By not acting and refusing to do what is right, you are complicit with all this creep stands for. When the balloon goes up he’ll be long gone leaving you to face the music. say goodbye to your homes and all you hold dear.

  2. After all this time..and with all the facts and the awful truth that has come to light from Ferret and parishioners accounts.Still JK and IW remain silent to the community!! Instead they prod Alan Draper in the back to try and create calm and tell us all to “be nice” with a post on the HTC website !! Its like they are sticking their fingers in their ears and going ””. Well this shitstorm cant be buried in secret at the waterpark like the asbestos was. The clocks ticking !!!

  3. People like Kenyon won’t ever go willingly, always right it’s never him, not his company every excuse in the book and more. He can’t or won’t see the damage he has done to people and places. A total incompetent with a mouth running on overload, a brain always looking for the next target ,the next scam, no thought given to the carnage left behind or upset caused, or the lives and livelihoods destroyed. Councillors look at his record, look how he is repeating history here. You are already a party to it, for god’s sake act now get rid of this cancer that is a tumour on our community, called Kenyon now.

  4. It will be the people off the villages that will end up paying if anything happens
    Our council tax will go up and /or the Precept lowered if wakefield have to bail us out

  5. Another one with a silver tongue, Kenyon womersley and co must have been laughing their socks off at us for being so gullible. Do us all a favour go and the sooner the better

  6. Check out who did a vote of no confidence in the chair. Not all are lackeys etc

  7. Thank god they are not all lackeys, we need more to be like them and the sooner they wake up the better.

  8. Kenyon isn’t in politics for the good of the community. Or even for his own good…… He’s involved in the town council to continue his vendetta against Saul construction. And is being used to benefit his cronies on the council(the water park cafe) its a shame that not enough in our communities read and understand these posts.

  9. Hi I’ve just asked Sid if he had notification from JK and he hasn’t. In fact he’s had no correspondence from him other than council meetings whist being a councillor

  10. If he wasn’t emailed that’s probably because Sid isn’t one of the cabal cronies.
    Good to hear keep it up Sid.

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