Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Having a look through the accounts Ferret found an entry for the purchase of a new Laptop:


Ferret wonders why Councillor Jean Eccles needed a new laptop and why YOU paid for it?

Will we ever get a written response to our questions submitted to Independent Hemsworth Town Council and Mr Kenyon from the meeting held on 12 October 2021?

By Ferret

13 thought on “Laptop…”
  1. Another purchase made
    Without approval 🤣🤣🤣🤣 as it’s in the chairs £500 a day allowance

  2. So, Jimmy Kenyon can spend £500 every day and no one checks on it?

  3. This is getting more serious with every post, looks like spending is out of control

  4. Kenyon’s striking again, a walking disaster, destroys everything he touches

  5. Too true apparently left some real heartache and worries all over the place, the man if I can use that word should be jailed or sectioned better still both

  6. Just what is going on with our money? It just stinks that he can do whatever he wants.

  7. Why would a Councillor need a laptop, never mind one at £500?

  8. if jean weccles was and indeed did stand for the hemsworth forum cabal why didn’t they provide her with funds for a laptop

  9. £500 a DAY? Is that every day?! That’s £182,500 a year if so! And they go on saying they’re volunteers.

  10. Just had an FOI replied to, as I was curious about this:

    I asked:

    What equipment HTC issues to councillors as standard on election, e.g. laptop, mobile phone, etc, if any? Is this returned at the end of the term of office?

    What facilities are made available as standard to councillors e.g. access to council computers, phones etc, office space within council offices, email addresses, and are office staff available to type correspondence?

    The response was:

    Equipment is not issued as standard but councillors are entitled to request equipment – usually a laptop, PC, tablet etc. All equipment would be returned at the end of the term of office.

    Councillors don’t have access to council computers/systems. They are entitled to use council phones, office space and assistance from staff for council business. Councillors are offered their own council email address – some prefer to have a council email address but some prefer to use their personal email address.

  11. Complete waste of money surely one computer between them would be more than sufficient

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