Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Looking through the accounts, Ferret came across an entry for Room Hire Solicitor at Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel.

This cost YOU £294.50

Ferret has to assume there were no suitable rooms in Hemsworth…

A lot of time and effort has gone into creating this website and researching the information which is shared with you every day. Please can I encourage you to post any comments directly onto this site, as well as sharing my posts far and wide. Thanks, Ferret.

By Ferret

5 thought on “Room hire…”
  1. Whichever it is, we wouldn’t have to pay this if the solicitor was local would we?

  2. So this is on top of the thousands of pounds already discovered, makes me wonder what else is listed separately

  3. Why wouldn’t they use the community centre where they are based, which has a number of ‘conference’ rooms?

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