Hemsworth Town Council Chair: Jean Eccles Hiding Behind The Veil?
Ferret found this hard to believe but it is 100% true, we’ve all heard about the cunning plan of the Independent cabal to devastate Hemsworth Town Council finances so badly…
Ferret found this hard to believe but it is 100% true, we’ve all heard about the cunning plan of the Independent cabal to devastate Hemsworth Town Council finances so badly…
Readers of Ferret have, quite rightly, questioned an entry in the September 2022 accounts of Independent Hemsworth Town Council for legal fees. Legal fees totalling £16,454.88 were paid to Park…
Ferret readers will be aware of the mention of a contract between Hemsworth Town Council and the company owned by Gordon Eccles, regarding the use of the Kinsley Farmers car…
Ferret feels, that now the dust is settling or the whitewash is drying, whichever is more appropriate, it is time to relook at the way this whole debacle came about.…
Readers will recall the disbelief of many of our community when the Town Council decision to order a Forensic Audit into the financial activities of Hemsworth Town Council was apparently…
24 AUDIT REPORT: To receive the audit report from KL King Chartered Accountants. The long awaited non forensic audit is apparently now completed and has been delivered to the council…
Balances from 2018 to 2022 Ferret was expecting, given the way the item was described, a comparison of how Hemsworth Town Council balances have fared since 2018 to date. Disgraced,…
Following on from the questions raised in public question time regarding the Farmers car Park, the item was raised again as per the agenda. Jean Eccles vacated the Chair and…
At the Council meeting on the 01/12/22 at 7pm, Alan Draper’s and Jean Eccles’ crude and foolhardy attempt to hoodwink the electorate took an unbelievable turn, even before it started.…
Here is the recording from this evenings Town Council Meeting held on 1 December 2022. Thank you to Lyn Morton for making the recording. The agenda for the meeting is…