Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret found this hard to believe but it is 100% true, we’ve all heard about the cunning plan of the Independent cabal to devastate Hemsworth Town Council finances so badly that it will be forced to sell off assets to maintain solvency and we all know who is waiting in the wings to be the potential beneficiaries.

The attacks have ranged from the large scale, such as the Vengaboys concert and the Lakeside bar, but we have also seen more subtle everyday usage of money being seemingly overspent such as the huge use of petty cash to pay for many things that are not petty and should have been properly invoiced.

Who could forget the report of extra card machines and overpriced vehicles and burger vans etc?

Speaking of burger vans, the Eccles have even operated these from their own driveway in direct competition to the council at certain events over the years.

When Ferret says “their own driveway” it may actually be encroached land.

Ferret wonders if the charges for the Waterpark car park for visitors from outside the township were actually abolished to enable the Eccles to make money from their “farmers’ site” car park that was even renovated and fenced at a cost to this community?

We have recently heard about the new café that was opened on bonfire night, adjacent to the water park and the Eccles’ home, again in direct competition to the Town Council’s facilities and taking money from this community who had actually paid thousands of pounds to put on the event.

If anyone has any doubts about the Eccles’ connection to this latest business venture then doubt no more for guess who has been seen working inside the new café?

It’s only the chair of Hemsworth Town Council, Jean Eccles herself, no less!

Surely with her own “mystic” talents she should have foreseen this being exposed to the wider community!

Then again she probably didn’t want to cross her own palm with her own silver money or now is she openly treating this community with the contempt she thinks we, “the scum” deserve.

Hemsworth Town Council Chair: Jean Eccles Hiding Behind The Veil?
The veil has well and truly fallen…

By Ferret

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