Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Ferret has been contacted by a number of disgruntled former employees of Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

It appears they all left for similar reasons, including the management and a certain Councillor, ordering them to complete jobs which were downright dangerous and sometimes even illegal.

Ferret can fully accept they had little choice but to leave as a result, most of us would do the same.

The bad news for a certain Councillor and General Manager / Head of Security is that the former employees were more than happy to “spill the beans” to Ferret about the illicit activities which were regular occurrences at the Waterpark since May 2019.

Maybe Jimmy could explain to our Community the whereabouts of the ‘Snap-on’ compressor, which we purchased?

Or, what about the staircase that was bought on the pretext of being installed in the building in the Waterpark compound?

Ferret could maybe understand if Jimmy had borrowed the staircase to help his little legs reach the loft to retrieve his teaching certificates which we have waited two years for him to find!

Unluckily for Jimmy and Sam, there is more to be revealed and it gets worse…

By Ferret

6 thought on “Jim Kenyon – Thefts from the Waterpark…”
  1. It’s alright spilling the beans but that’s hear say ,are these former employees willing to stand up and be counted remember strength in numbers , are we sure these agedged stolen items are still not on site? , if anybody knows where any stolen items are report it to the police, if these can be traced to whoever then that person is also guilty of receiving stolen goods.
    Remember we have legislation in this country about dangerous working and carrying out task we a undrained to do (H&S, EMPLOYMENT LAWS, WORKERS RIGHTS
    BULLYING ETC), nobody as to leave there job, use the laws in situ it’s there to protect you.HTC employees report it if you think you’re being treated unfairly/ victimised it has to be logged and investigated keep personal logs ,times/dates/other people in attendance.

  2. I believe some of these employees had worked years for the HTC very loyally and kept the waterpark beautiful,one by one left and the demise and decay of it now can be seen by the community.
    Our community needs to stand together and VOTE the shambolic Independents out and start to put right 4 years of total destruction of our community owned assets,hopefully the hard working ,loyal employees can then return to start and rebuild the once beautiful waterpark and get back what belongs to the parishioners and not certain councillors.

  3. It staggers belief the alleged aligations what as been going on at HTC yet none of the accused try defend themselves or is it a matter of you can’t defend the indefensible I bet some councillors are just bidding there time to reveal all but I say if you know something that’s not right, take it to the right authorities now before May’s elections . To any Councillor if you know something you may have done or witnessed was wrong come clean now! Because if you are voted off In May and things start to come out in the wash it be a difficult situation for yourself.

  4. Sadley Anonymous some of the authorities have no powers over disciplining or sacking the cabal councillors .The ICO and MO can put in place recommendations for the council to follow and adhere to but have no power to enforce them it will be down to the police.The statement posted by a serving councillor Peter Hardacre could now break the seal of all the wrong doings and good on him hope all the ex employee’s back and support him and attend the meeting to be called.The good councillors will I am sure support him and hopefully all will be revealed and the parishioners will support him ,hope there are some very worried councillors and security .

  5. Hi Julie
    A Councillor should put forward a special meeting and others second it . Get it out in the open warts anall, bet there might be a few worried councillors, oh and request that the security manager( is that correct?) Is in attendance someone might want to ask a question or two and absent councillors you know who you are.

  6. Totally and utterly agree 100%. Could be a very,very long meeting with all the questions that need answering and there will not be a move on or hammer banging or moving it to exclusion.

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