Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

We are all probably aware by now, that Hemsworth Town Council has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of our money on legal advice since May 2019, yet despite this, Ferret believes they have never won a single case.

They have even paid for legal advice to assist an apparently special employee, Jim Kenyon’s friend and now flatmate at the Waterpark, to fight a case against themselves.

Unbelievable, but true.

Here we go again:

24/02/2023 BACS  Ramsden’s Solicitors  £1,620.00 Professional Charges

Ferret cannot say what these were for or who even authorised them at this stage, but you may well think that at least it’s not that firm of Barristers that the Town Council had provided accommodation for at a top hotel in this area previously, who lost the case against Saul Construction.

When Ferret says the Town Council paid, Ferret obviously means we, the community funded the bill as usual.

Unfortunately take a close look at the name of the firm and once again the cost:

24/02/2023 BACS Richard Buxton 2,607.00 Professional charges.

Yes once again Richard Buxton, more of our money into their pockets and for what?

What lost cause was it this time?

Whatever it was it cost this community another £2, 607,00

And to compound the matter there is also another large cost shown in the accounts:

24/02/2023 BACS Choices & Voices care LTD £2,160.00 HR matter

Another £2,160,00 paid to a company for a Human Resource problem at Hemsworth Town Council.

Still when you take into account that £16,000 was spent by this council to defend an employee against themselves only recently then this shouldn’t come as a complete surprise.

The only surprise will be if this isn’t connected to the employee who currently resides at the Lakeside flat complete with 4 bedrooms and now a “lodger” and councillor called Kenyon...

By Ferret

2 thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council: Legal Fees – Again…”
  1. HTC have indeed spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of the communities precept money on Legal fees since 2019 I have a FOI from the Town Clerk with the expenditure on and its staggering and not all the costs are entered on.Money that the community got NO benefit from but money that could have done so much good for the community sadly all wasted in years of vanity very high costly court cases .Barristers,solicitors ,courts ,rooms at Roger Thorpe Manor all paid with the communities money and nothing to show but a huge hole in the finances ,let’s hope all is about to change and the HTC will serve its parishioners and not themselves.
    Please post on FB Thankyou.

  2. Something i noticed in feburary accounts money paid to security firm over £1620 for comms.
    Well , did the security firm tell HTC of other alternatives .
    Buy a dual communicator (good one around £200 ) this is a one off cost per building not a yearly contract .
    Alarm goes off it automatically dials out or uses a sim ,program it to dial three numbers
    1. Security manager ( key holder)
    2. Town clerk other person
    If first person does not answer ,it automatically goes to number 2 then 3 untill someone answers
    A much cheaper option
    Perhaps a concillor will ask this question , look forward to reply.
    Fogot ask why they charge for a auto reset of alarm ?

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