Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

The local elections are scheduled to be held in the United Kingdom on 4 May 2023.

This is the opportunity to elect 15 new councillors for Hemsworth Town Council to represent us for the next four years.

Due to the conduct of the Independent “cabal” candidates prior to the last elections, when lie after lie was communicated to our communities, both verbally and in writing, Ferret believes a trip down memory lane is required.

Day 3

Kenyon, as the need arose, became the expert of everything and anything you can name.

His claims of being an England footballer, along with the planning expertise, to the laughable “teacher” who when challenged could not produce his teacher training number due to it being “lost” somewhere in his loft, obviously with all his other certificates.

The one thing is for sure, he was never a teacher of Mathematics or English.

Being barely literate, yet that pales into insignificance, against his numeracy skills.

Jimmy and his sums, as they have become known, would be laughable, if not for the serious consequences this community has had to endure.

His ability to spend the same money, not just once or even twice but three times has seen money squandered and our assets plunged into disrepair, as the money once earmarked for them has been raided and used elsewhere.

Yet when Jimmy adds up the finances they’re always ok and he’s ready to begin spending yet again…

Important Dates:

Publication of Candidates: 5 April 2023

Polling Day: 4 May 2023


By Ferret

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