Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Ferret seems to have a habit of upsetting certain people within our communities.

These people are usually the “stars of the ferret” posts.

As readers will know, Ferret has now posted over 700 posts, which contain the factual wrongdoings of Independent Hemsworth Town Council and their associates.

It will no doubt come as no surprise that they have tried on numerous occasions to have Ferret “taken down”.

This has ranged from Kenyon employing local I.T. companies (with your money, of course), to trying to hack Facebook and also trying to hack the website directly.

Ferret can reveal Jimmy, the password isn’t “password” or “hemsworthferret” or “vengaboys” or even “ilovesam”, so keep guessing on your Samsung phone.

Thankfully, they have failed at every single attempt, including the woman in Barnsley with her iPhone – Ferret knows who you are.

Ferret digresses,

A reader of Ferret, recently asked about the reach of the Ferret – How many people are reading the Ferret posts?

There are currently 1199 followers of the Ferret Facebook page.

The posts on Hemsworth Ferret Facebook and have a daily circulation of around 1000 views.

We are now weeks away from an election which will give our communities the opportunity to elect 15 new Councillors.

We know certain people do not want our communities being made aware of exactly what the “cabal” have been up to since May 2019, wasting and self profiteering from your hard earned money.

However, Ferret is aware that not everyone is on social media, but if 1000 are reading, they talk to others who are not, so the total who are being informed will be considerably more, however there are still others who need informing

Ferret can only do so much, over the next few weeks readers need to spread the word, talk to your friends, neighbours and colleagues. Share the love!

Oh, and Ferret has seen the Ferret badges being worn out in the local community!

Ferret wonders if Jean and Jimmy would like one too?

Finally, Paul Edwards – Ferret knows who you are, Ferret is coming for you…

By Ferret

2 thought on “The power of the FERRET…”
  1. People are talking, there’s no doubt about that and it is mainly about the independent cabal team but it is also mentioned about those who have failed to support the opposition councillors at times. I’m sure it will all be taken into consideration when May comes.
    It certainly looks like some have their own hidden agendas.

  2. Ferret this community owes you a massive Thankyou for all your hard work ,time and dedication to bringing the truth to the community on all the wrong doings of HTC Independents.Without your help our community would still be blinkered but wow is the word spreading fast.So fast that the fake profilers are sinking to where they belong,how worried a certain trio seem to be and how the mistakes in their posts give them away oh dear .Keep going ferret their masks are slipping much like their hold on the HTC.
    Please can you post on FB Thankyou.

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