Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Readers may be aware that the Hemsworth Town Clerk, Alan Draper had been asked by Councillor Maxine Hird (Labour) to place on the agenda of the next full Hemsworth Town Council meeting, the removal of the gate on the road to the Waterpark, outside the Eccles’ residence at Kinsley.

The opening and shutting of this gate has been under the control of Cllrs. Gordon and Jean Eccles.

It has been the subject of controversy since its installation and is commonly referred to as the “Ecclesgate” and is almost universally detested by members of this community.

Jean Eccles’ is on record as saying they are “entitled” to this gate.

It has, without doubt come as a surprise to Ferret, when the item was omitted from the agenda published by Alan Draper.

In law, the clerk to the council (Draper) is responsible for the compilation of the meeting’s agenda, in consultation with the chair of the council which in this case is Jean Eccles.

Councillors can request items to be placed on the agenda, as in this case.

There has to be a very good reason when the Clerk does not place a requested item on an agenda and that reason should be given to the councillor or councillors who are responsible for the request.

Ferret cannot think of any good reason why Draper in consultation with J. Eccles have taken this action.

Obviously Jean Eccles blocking it to prevent the gates removal does come to mind, but Ferret did say “good reason”.

It was only a few weeks ago that a council meeting had 38 items listed on the agenda so the number of items cannot be the reason.

Jean Eccles has a vested interest in this item and that alone should normally mean that this should be fully debated and in open council.

However, there is a remedy to this unjust and blatant attack on democracy and freedom of speech, Councillors themselves can call a special meeting and prepare the agenda themselves if necessary.

If Alan Draper or Jean Eccles or anyone else concerned does not want to take part in it, so be it.

Five councillors are all that is needed to make the meeting quorate and decisions legally binding.

A minute taker can be appointed if required on the night or another member of staff utilised if available.

Jean Eccles if present, should declare an interest and vacate the chair.

Stanley Wilson should then preside by virtue of being the vice chair, but if he is absent or still hasn’t found his voice, then any councillor present can be nominated.

There is also another item that raises concerns due to its lack of clarity and that is:

20f  Café license.

Which license is this?

Music or alcohol or something else?

Why is it in exclusion?

Whatever it is, it should be clearly identifiable to anyone reading the agenda and definitely shouldn’t be in the exclusion of the press and public on the face of the little information listed.

I dare say when Draper rewrites this agenda it will be clearly listed as we have gotten used to.

Hemsworth Independent Town Council: Democracy and Freedom of Speech – The Draper Way.

No Way, is the real answer…

By Ferret

9 thought on “Hemsworth Independent Town Council: Democracy and Freedom of Speech – The Draper Way…”
  1. I think we are all frustrated but don’t think we’ve ever resorted to the sort of language Councillor Ian McGinnis used when commenting on this post.
    I believe most have been attending meetings well before he became a councillor.

  2. He’s only been a councillor a very short time and has now shown he is not fit for office.I won’t be voting for his re-election. In fact he should resign. He is not a fit and proper person to hold public office even at this level. People like him make us a laughing stock.

  3. Let’s remember this is social media and he probably had a moment of madness and no I don’t agree with the choice of words totally out of order But he might be as frustrated as us mere mortals at least he did get in touch with the security firm to ask about camera’s ( fobbed off by security firm) did you follow that up Ian ? Probably to make amends he might have something to say at the meeting. Just remember he might be independent but will back Labour as he can see whts going on. Hopefully

    Can’t attend tomorrow unfortunately but can someone please ask Draper about is incomptence about the float thanks

  4. I feel sure it must have been a frustrated moment of madness at what Ian as seen and learned since he became a councillor ,we have all seen that Ian is a true community council who cares deeply about this community and in his short time as a councillor as tried to bring back some dignity and care like the other hard working councillors who give their all and no one tries harder than councillor Maxine Hird ,we must all not lose sight of what the good ones are trying to achieve and what they are up against but the public too are frustrated and must give our support to the good councillors to get rid of the bad councillors and bring our community back to what it should be a community that cares .
    People need to attend the meetings when possible and voice their concerns that’s democracy and freedom of speech and people need to remember we have our VOTES to bring the changes in,so let’s Move On and hope it’s a good turn out at the Town Council meeting Thursday very big agenda.

  5. You know what they say about truth being spoken in drink, I believe his real feelings have been exposed and if he is out of his depth with what should be an easy dealt with topic then he won’t get my vote also. He is elected to represent and not feel sorry for himself after such a short time for not doing his job.

  6. Vickie nothing repeat nothing is an easy topic in this shambolic run HTC council the public have had enough and the good councillors need to work together now and get the bad councillors out.They need to support each other and concentrate on what is best for our community and put the heart back into it which as been totally ripped out over the last 4 disastrous years under the Independents.Time all the parishioners attended the meetings and had a say ,time the parishioners came first and we do see this from certain councillors who give their all as a serving councillor but then we have them that just turn up YES voting councillors to command and this must be stopped .The public have a voice and a VOTE and it’s using the VOTE that will bring in changes.

  7. Absolutely disgusting language and not acceptable from a councillor. He can’t have read the post correctly either to make such comments. Good grief if he’s as bad as this with such an inflated ego of himself after just a few weeks in post heaven help us. I was told he was wanting the chair of the council’s position, what a joke that would be if he can’t even read and respond to one public post with decency and respect. My vote for one will be cast differently in May. I’m ashamed to have you as my representative. Bullying and bluster have no place in any decent society, your actions are nothing but offensive to your own electorate. You remind me of that idiot Pringle and not in any good way.

  8. Let’s not judge the man on one stupid outburst as Julie says he has the community at heart (time will tell along with how he votes).
    Back to the meeting , if the xmas float is on the agenda surely she chair can’t chair the meeting can she ?otherwise we might get MOVE ON with any awkward questions

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