Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Multi-millionaire, Chair – Independent Hemsworth Town Council Jean Eccles has called yet another Extraordinary Town Council Meeting for 19 December 2022.

Items on the agenda include:

03 PLANNING APPLICATION To consider the planning application for land off Kirkby Road, Hemsworth (WMDC ref 08/00006/OUT).

Ferret is pleased that finally after years of delays that Saul Construction can begin building much needed housing for members of our community.

Ferret does find it strange however, that Independent Hemsworth Town Council feel it necessary to call an extraordinary meeting to discuss this, yet can’t even be bothered to attend meetings or make adequate representations against the unwanted developments at the Woodlands and on Highfield Road amongst others.

04 AUDIT REPORT To discuss the recent audit report provided by K L King Chartered Accountants.

Everyone in our community is aware that the non-forensic audit report has been a whitewash, full of conjecture and a look into a very small sample of invoices which were provided by Alan Draper – Town Clerk.

Ferret would hope that the FULL council and every COUNCILLOR will accept the non-forensic audit report is not acceptable and will now engage a FULLY QUALIFIED FORENSIC AUDITOR to carry out a proper investigation.

However, Ferret doesn’t need Jean’s crystal ball to predict the “cabal” will declare themselves innocent of all the allegations against them, based on the flawed report.

Ferret wonders if “Mystic Jean” has predicted (or hopes) that due to the time of year and inclement weather it will result in a poor turn out of members of the public and her opposition Councillors…

By Ferret

3 thought on “Another extraordinary meeting…”
  1. I doubt very much that the regular meeting attenders and question community residents askers would miss a meeting which obviously the Independant councillors feel they must call after all it is Christmas.The residents will be there wonder what the turnout will be from the Independant councillors which at the last few meetings their numbers have been depleted except if votes are needed they tend to appear back in their seats .Time maybe that question could be put on an agenda along with how much of the communities money as been wasted over the last 3years,how so many projects have been left unfinished,how much as been spent and wasted on unnecessary legal expenses and finally roll on 2023 when the community will get our say and VOTE for the hard,working,decent.honest community councillors.

  2. Latin phrase comes to mind.
    judgement day is coming.

  3. Let’s see how many councillors stand up and actually talk about the audit!!

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