The Society of Local Council Clerks is the professional body for Local Council Clerks.
Ferret finds it strange that Independent Hemsworth Town Council are paying for not only Mr Alan Drapers personal membership fees, but also for him to attend their annual conference!

Ferret wonders if Mr Draper will pay back the £890 to our community when he is finally relieved of his duties…
What a fast amount of Legal fees and expenses the HTC Independants have cost our community and what a vast amount spent and wasted by a perticular Councillor and ex chair.No wonder the pot is almost empty and the community will pay the price and become poorer but at least they have kept the solicitors going and filled their pot.Accounts show numerous legal bills paid and authorised by the Town Clerk but never explained in a public meeting just in exclusion that needs to change and the Finance committee need more detailed accounting on legal fees paid ie what was legal advice about,who asked to engage solicitors AGAIN.and the accounts need to be more explanative.After all its the community paying theses legal bills and the community should know WHY.