Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

May 2019 saw the cabal take control of Hemsworth Town Council, although they hid under the misnomer of being “Independents”.

They were aided and abetted in their election by the widespread distribution, of a community wide leaflet claiming financial wrong doing by the last Labour council.

A tactic that would be used again to try to prevent the election of Melanie Jones to the District council and to slur other good and decent people.

A tactic that went disastrously wrong, as by this time the true nature of the cabal was well known to most of this community.

The lies really started to be exposed.

The forensic audit undertaken at Kenyon’s own insistence into the last council eventually surfaced and found no case to answer, neither could the internal investigation that Kenyon ordered.

The incompetence shone through.

How ironic, it was that the false allegations of financial affairs that Jim Kenyon had shouted to anyone that would listen about the last council, came to be a repeating issue about him and his cabal and started to raise awareness and concerns within the community.

Money our money was thrown away like scrap paper, on an unbudgeted agenda of self-glorification, indulgence and gain.

Not one single project that they undertook had any business plan or assessment undertaken or put in place.

David Pringle was rejected by the voters but the cabal ignored the community’s view of him and appointed him as a “special advisor” to sit alongside his wife Linda.

Ferret wonders what both their employers’ reactions will be to them when the truth emerges about their full involvement with this council.

The Eccles became “entitled” seemingly to everything and Hirst, Wilson and Mitchell continually showed their true cabal voting colours.

Hemsworth Town Council became a privileged customer for some legal firms with hundreds of thousands of pounds being wasted on Womersley’s pipe dream or under Kenyon’s “expert” direction time after time.

The ill-fated Venga bus did indeed go bust along with more of our money.

Abusive behaviour became the order of the day, used against anyone who showed opposition or questioned their motives.

The resignations followed:

  • Bugge and Holmes.
  • Hardacre broke his allegiance from the cabal.
  • Womersley eventually resigned, but only to save his own skin.
  • Folletti came and quickly went as did our hard earned money. Thrown away time after time but some people and companies did benefit but never us, of course.

We were left with the ever growing costs.

Staff left, workhouse wages paid, replaced with a “jobs for the boys and girls policy” that miraculously then were paid extremely well with “benefits” included.

By-elections started to see decent people being elected, Maxine Hird has been continually leading the way despite enduring very serious repeated abuse, and others have followed but the cabal still continued in a position of power with the abuse being used more and more.

The balance of power hopefully should have now changed and it is time that the community were shown just who is now actually in charge of Hemsworth Town Council.

Some actions are easy and small; the decisive Eccles’s gate could be removed with just one vote.

The Lakeside Café Bar, on track to lose half a million pounds since its opening, could be closed for the winter period and a review undertaken into its future use to stem these colossal losses.

A full staffing review could be undertaken to ensure we have the right people in the right jobs.

A forensic audit should now be put in place.

An investigation into the role of the Town Clerk and responsible financial officer should be easily undertaken now as there is a deputy Town Clerk in place, his suspension should pose no problem while it is ongoing.

However the long term damage of the neglect to our facilities due to the misuse of community funds will take time and a substantial amount of financing and will need to be properly planned and remedied with bone fide companies or competent internal staff.

Hemsworth Town Council: The collapsing cabal…

It’s time to start restoring both trust and planning to restore our community assets...

By Ferret

4 thought on “Hemsworth Town Council: The collapsing cabal…”
  1. In response to David Pearson comment regarding writing off the amount for the non delivery of the newsletters.
    Why was the invoice even paid before the newsletters were delivered ?
    Who authorised payment ?
    Did the person that placed the order, do due diligence and look into the company and check out the reviews?

  2. That company could be fictitious with someone else masquerading as the company! Hen he the someone else would have received the payment for delivery! Mmmm makes me wonder who that could be.

  3. That company could be fictitious with someone else masquerading as the company! Hen he the someone else would have received the payment for delivery! Mmmm makes me wonder who that could be.

  4. Let’s just hope the next Newsletter gets delivered and a full refund is on the next HTC accounts showing Refund from Top Drop uk.

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