Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Ferret readers will remember that Hemsworth Town Council passed a long awaited resolution for a forensic audit to be undertaken to investigate the financial dealings and concerns that have been ongoing since the election of the Independent cabal in May 2019.

During the discussion both Alan Draper and Jim Kenyon both repeatedly urged the meeting to accept a local accountant and untrained investigator to be engaged instead, claiming this would be cheaper alternative.

The decision of the Town Council Meeting was subsequently ignored and the local forensically untrained accountant was indeed engaged much to the disappointment and anger of many who had lobbied so hard to achieve the goal of a proper forensic investigative audit.

Basic common sense should have prevailed when two of the main people involved Kenyon and Draper, were actively trying to divert from a forensic audit but it didn’t.

Even worse Alan Draper was allowed to be the central administrator and go between for the Council and auditor.

Some councillors have since claimed that the initial audit was not a “forensic” audit and this one would be even better.

This is claim is disproved as false by the documentation from Frenkle’s the forensically trained  auditors who conducted the original investigation that Kenyon demanded, as released by Hemsworth Town Council.

The reason both Kenyon and Draper gave repeatedly was that it would be cheaper however Ferret has been informed that the cost so far is in the region of £7000 and still rising.

This is already approximately £1000 more than the proper forensic audit was!

The Non Forensic Audit: You Couldn’t Make this Up but They Can…

By Ferret

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