Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Ferret has got to admit we’ve all got it wrong about Independent Hemsworth Town Council’s former chair Jim Kenyon and certain other councillors.

Here we all were, believing they hadn’t done anything at all concerning the land development proposal and to address the resident’s concern’s.

Good old Jimmy has been working like a beaver (not a badger) , behind the scenes, on some aspects of this controversial project.

How does Ferret know this?

It comes straight from the horse’s mouth, well Kenyon’s anyway but can we believe anything this perpetual liar says?

In this case Ferret believes we can.

After a few, well more than a few actually, of his favourite tipples, Kenyon was heard telling anyone who would listen how he had been trying, on behalf of a fellow councillor whose name begins with Gordon and ends with Eccles, to buy some land that is adjacent to the development but not yet part of it.

Jimmy had even approached a landowner, with an offer.

Why would they want this land?

Well its value would increase considerably if used for building and if it was needed to provide better access to the Highfields site then its “ransom access” value would increase profoundly.

So now we all know why they are not interested in preventing the redevelopment for the benefit of the residents, after all why change the habits of a lifetime, self interest first and self interest foremost as always.

He even “joked” they could get more cars through to the houses.

The good news for our community is, Ferret understands that his offer to buy fell on deaf ears, just like the voices of this community fell on theirs.

If this doesn’t provide conclusive proof to each and every resident in our communities about the deceitful and underhand tactics, the “cabal” undertake each and every day – then nothing will.

The cabal have looked after themselves since May 2019 and no-one else.

Roll on May 2023…

Independent Hemsworth Town Council and the Real Truth about The Highfield Development, It doesn’t make pleasant reading…

By Ferret

One thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council and the Real Truth about The Highfield Development…”
  1. What scumbags we have in this council, absolutely disgusting.

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