Ferret has been made aware that two further documents have been added by Wakefield Council to their online portal. These relate to a proposed development on the fields at the top of Highfield Road in Hemsworth.
Ferret is sharing these to ensure as many residents as possible are aware of the plans, so we do not end up in a situation where Independent Hemsworth Town Council “fails to read their emails” and does not make residents aware.
LP1511 Land at Highfield Road, Hemsworth – Housing
2. Consultation Information and How to Get involved
2.1.The Wakefield District Local Plan 2036 Pre-Main Modifications consultation and Sustainability Appraisal are available for comment for 6 weeks from 31 March to 11 May 2022. Information about the consultation, how to view the documents and make comments is available to view and download on the Council’s webpage at www.wakefield.gov.uk/wdlp2036 The preferred way to
comment is online through the consultation portal http://consult.wakefield.gov.uk/portal .
2.2.Comments can also be submitted on the comment forms provided using the
following email wdlp@wakefield.gov.uk and postal address below:
Spatial Policy Group, Planning and Transportation Services, Wakefield Council, Wakefield One, PO Box 700, Wakefield, WF1 2EB.
Your comments must reach us by 5 pm on Wednesday 11 May 2022.
Page 11 in this document: Pre Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendix F
Page 10 in this document: Pre-Main Modifications Consultation New Sites Spring 2022

This is the chance for local residents to make representations to the Local Plan. This is the information that the poor residents of the Woodlands Estate in Hemsworth should have been provided with as part of the original plan which will see a large housing estate built between them and Vale Head Park.
Please do make sure you make your voices heard and provide your comments at the link provided:
Thank you Ferret, much appreciated
What about the football pitches that are used by around 140 juniors and 45 seniors. We have maintained them for over 6 years.
You know, the sad thing is that the Woodlands residents were kept in the dark and have been denied the right to comment. We objected enmasse when we discovered that LP21 existed. In the name of fairness, all the community should have the right to voice their views to proposals to change their environment.
We have fought hard, and we have managed to get Jon Trickett on board. But. WMDC now appears to have learned and is at least giving the people the chance to comment on the Highfield plot. We urge people to take this opportunity… Because if its wasted they won’t give you another shot at it.
Also, it may be prudent to get the MP involved. Shame on HTC for neglecting the people living nearest to lp21, and keeping the community in the dark. I suspect that if they could have hidden the Highfields site away from public comments they would have done it. But, let’s be honest we’ve exposed this council for its lack of care…. And yes we know there are good councillors on the council. But unfortunately, too many of the Councillors say they’ve known nothing about plan 2036. Even though it started in 2017, and the consultation period ran in to the current councils term. Well Jim, better make sure you and Alan get this one right. Or you’ll lose even more public support.