Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Councillor Jean Eccles is on record, on a number of occasions, billing the “Vengaboys” concert as “giving something back” to the 40 to 60-year old’s of our Community.

Ferret can reveal that since the creation of this page back in July 2021, it has been visited an astonishing 28,479 times.

Further to this, when using the “Insights” tool on Facebook, the age and gender of these visitors is revealed.

This shows the majority of the readers of Hemsworth Ferret are in the age bracket which Councillor Jean Eccles believes “want” the Vengaboys.

Ferret has found it difficult to locate a single comment from any of these people in favour of the Vengaboys concert taking place.

Tomorrow our Councillors have a very important meeting regarding the future of the “Vengaboys” Concert. The “brain child” of Mr Jim Kenyon, Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council and his supporters including District Councillor – Ian Womersley.

Item 5 on the agenda:


In accordance with the resolution made by the council on 14 October 2021 (minute no 258 [a]), to determine whether or not to continue with the festival based upon the number of tickets sold.

Our Councillors will vote on whether or not to continue with the festival based solely on the number of tickets sold to date.

Ferret understands around 300 tickets have been sold. The projected breakeven point for ticket sales in over 4000 tickets.

Our good Councillors must stand united against Mr Jim Kenyon and Mrs Jean Eccles and ensure this festival is CANCELLED.

By Ferret

3 thought on “Giving something back…”
  1. lets see who as the back bone to vote against it ,,, bear in mind they got to be relected soon…cant see them voting to carry on with the boom boom venga bus when the public have spoken and said no in there wards for them to vote for it. …that would be telling us the public their supporters their vote ..we havent got a say ..and shut up and put up with the council htc spendings and shite they buying …..and if they do vote for it go ahead then something needs putting on record ,so if its a win win or a loose loose then the councillors who voted should be have to make up the money wasted when we would have only been out £7500 when it was asked by the public to cancel

  2. She could give something back dead easily, start with reimbursing all the money of ours you’ve had spent on your own properties, then the best gift back of the lot resign the pair of you.

  3. The public have shown by keeping their hands in their pockets that they don’t want this concert “giving” to them or in reality being sold twice to them. Paying for it via precept and tickets. Still Jean knows what’s best for us, she’s told us often enough and who are we to back chat such a lovely, generous and good hearted woman. I mean she’s still letting us use the waterpark, well for now anyway on restricted hours bless her.

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