Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Despite, Independent Hemsworth Town Council making the decision back in October 2021, to have a review of “The Vengaboys Concert” on 28th February 2022, spending has continued apace.

Advertising has appeared in a number of places since this meeting:

  • Large posters which have appeared on Hemsworth Community Centre and at Hemsworth Waterpark.
  • Facebook, promotional; advertising “paid for”.
  • Listing on a national website.
  • Listing on

Ferret has to wonder how much this “limited advertising” has cost you the Precept payer, and even more so, maybe Independent Hemsworth Town Council could answer one question:

How many additional tickets have been sold as a result of the advertising procured since October 2021?

By Ferret

One thought on “Limited advertising…”
  1. It won’t matter to kenyon how many tickets have been sold or not , he’s decided it’s going ahead so that’s it. Sod us, sod the other councillors, that’s it, it’s our money but he’s knows best and he’s never wrong.

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