Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Mr Jim Kenyon: Chair, Independent Hemsworth Town Council is no stranger to controversy, far from it.

Since his return from the now known about controversial and catastrophic destruction of the stadium at Ayr in Scotland, to his home town of Hemsworth where he then ironically started a campaign of lies that he tries to continue even to this day, complaining about the good and decent people who have served this community and the standard of everything they’ve done.

Incidentally, much more than he’s ever done but then again that is an easy task to beat. Complaints and lies that spill endlessly from his mouth just like turning on a tap.

So, Ferret was a little surprised when Mr Kenyon was recently asked in a recorded Town Council meeting about driving the digger dubiously procured by Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

This is the digger that was parked on his own driveway, before being purchased by Hemsworth Town Council and before the purchase was authorised by the Town Council and at what appears to be a very inflated price. Since initial early use, it has seen very little use in reality.

The major surprise came from his denial about driving the aforementioned digger and he even accused the questioner of being mistaken and really, he didn’t seem as though he wanted to talk about it.  A strange answer, because of all the people that have not only seen him driving the digger but he has also been seen working at height in the digger bucket, without any safety harnesses or other necessary health and safety precautions in place.

Kenyon is never short of singing his own praises, even when as we know they are always imaginary, but then again, he always has a certificate to prove it, even though he’s never been able to find them in his loft.

Ferret then began to recall the incidents of Kenyon’s car being parked in the blue badge disabled bays and a contributor leaping to his defence to tell the readers that Jim Kenyon was in actual fact disabled.

The rules on Blue Badges are very stringent and it seems odd to say the least, that Kenyon would qualify given his everyday mobility, especially demonstrated with the climbing in and out of the digger and its bucket, not to mention his presence on the allotments where he even engaged in a brawl with a former Councillor.

Ferret then wondered when this “disability” could have crippled poor Jim, to the extent he has to use the disabled bays so he doesn’t have to walk far into the shop he tried to prevent being built, Tesco?

Then a revelation, oh poor Jimmy did this happen when you had the football oops sorry, pub delivery accident back in about 2008?

What a martyr to pain and suffering. He’s been suffering in silence and hiding all that pain and suffering that only seems to surface next to Blue badge bays.

Ferret wonders if the Department for Work and Pensions will investigate and take any appropriate action they find necessary?

Mr Kenyon may know a good medical examiner after all he knew a good forensic auditor who soon saw through his lies to the truth…

By Ferret

6 thought on “Kenyon: The Digger, The Denial and The Disability…”
  1. Wouldn’t surprise me one little bit, where there’s money to be had there’s Kenyon. He,s like a bad smell that lingers.

  2. lovely pic for health and safety …make me wonder what health and safety in place for the workers when he cant adhere to them …and people with disabiltys fighting for their right when he flaunts the lies to get benefit ..even pushing up eccles fence no bad back in that another lie ….but guaranted he will have an excuse

    Resolved that the general manager will receive National Examination Board in
    Occupational Health and Safety training. whos general manager lol? april 2021 they must have failed health and safety

  4. Please spare us the photos of Jim the Frogman if Gordon gets the contract for clearing the Water Park!
    Alternatively, is this Jim’s new promo poster for his next venture in to politics or the next gig in the Eccles Car Park? Entitled… Reach for the Stars?
    Seriously, what the hell is he doing up there? No safety harness or hat?! Oh, did someone say looking for long lost certificates in the loft….

  5. What digger? What bucket? He never drove it, he never sold it, he didn’t buy a store for it, it wasn’t him, he’s not to blame, it was them the last lot!!

  6. the only disability related to the deceitful Charlatan that is Kenyon is the truth chromosome

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