Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Readers of Ferret may remember a previous post regarding Councillors’ Eccles and their CCTV system.

The CCTV system used by Councillor Jean Eccles and Councillor Gordon Eccles, records YOU each and every time you use the entrance to Hemsworth Waterpark at Hoyle Mill Road.

Ferret can confirm that now, some THREE MONTHS later neither Councillor Jean Eccles or Councillor Gordon Eccles have registered to use their CCTV system, as required by law.

If any of my readers feel that Councillor Jean Eccles or Councillor Gordon Eccles are using their CCTV in a way that is anti-social, harassing or intimidating in any way.

This is a CRIMINAL MATTER and you should consider contacting the police.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA18), both of which Ferret believes Councillor Jean Eccles and Councillor Gordon Eccles are breaking, individuals have a right to access the personal data held about them, including identifiable images.

Ferret would suggest you contact them directly at:





Requesting copies of any footage they may hold of you as part of a subject access request (SAR).

By Ferret

7 thought on “Jean and Gordon Eccles – breaking the law…”
  1. Breaking the law, Gordon’s got a Degree in it. No chance of him making his DBR public, if he has one done. My god what have we got on our council. What were the people of Kinsley thinking when they put their crosses on the ballot paper for these two.

  2. dont think they were elected in could be wrong ..kenyon fetched them i believe ..pete hardacre voted in and now they turned on him …hes started taking notice and going against them wount be long till they try getting him out to replace another of the minions who nod head and agree with everything…might go for job meself lol least il be able to fight for kinsley

  3. dont think most would be serving htc if they had dbr checks first to get on lol

  4. You mean their back garden cos that’s what they want it to be. If ever it goes for sale The Eccles will be getting it.
    They should be out, off the council. It is Mrs Eccles idea that we have the venga boys, something for the 40-60 people. They never get anything and are very much overlooked where her words, well she ought to ask us cos I’d rather have nothing than the venga bus rolling along!!
    As for the cctv, oh they need it for their protection, who do they think they are?
    The DBS checks that people are mentioning is optional, WHY? These should be done for everyone on the council and ALL employees, they are meeting members of the public. I cannot stress enough how important these are. Tbey should be mandatory!!!!!

  5. I totally agree with Irate Resident.
    All visitors to the park, for what ever reason, need to have confidence and trust in the “officials” running the park and the events.
    There will be times when people in charge will be called upon for help and assistance or when kids run off playing in the park or visit the loo……
    Parents need to know (and will assume) it’s a safe environment because it is a council run site.
    If DBR checks are not undertaken and and found to be satisfactory, HTC have a duty to put up signs to warm people of the potential dangers, just like the no swimming, keep dogs on leads, no camping, no cooking signs eg please don’t approach staff, Councillors, Santa, the Easter Bunny, strange men in costume, entertainers etc.
    Isn’t this just common sense these days?

  6. I’m in that age bracket and believe me they couldn’t get it more wrong regarding the music I would like. Been past HTC community centre today and an advertising poster/banner for vengas is on the wall high up.

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