Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Just when Ferret thought the “bodges” from Mr Jim’ll fix it Kenyon couldn’t get any worse, a number of photographs have appeared on social media.

The photos show an extremely large piece of metal fencing which has been tied to a tree with rope at a great height.

The purpose of this?

To promote, you’ve guessed it Jimmy’s all-time favourite ‘90s band the VENGABOYS.

Maybe Jimmy thinks “one last push” on ticket sales is all that is required to get him to the magical number of tickets required for him to potentially break even?

Ferret can’t wait to see the CCTV of this being put up – it might even get £250 for the coffers from You’ve been framed.

Ferret also has a message for, Jean “We want to give something back to the community” Eccles –

How’s about you give back the money we paid to clear and fence off your land?


How’s about you give back the money we paid to gate off your “private waterpark” that you believe you are “entitled to”


How’s about you personally refund the precept payers the £20,000 you and Jimmy have already spent on the Vengaboys?

Or even better:

How’s about you put your money where your mouth is and refund us for EVERYTHING you have personally gained since May 2019?

The public have clearly demonstrated they DO NOT WANT to purchase tickets for your event, with only 300 sold in over 2 years.

And finally, if you and Jimmy want to go and see the Vengaboys, they are on at the 90’s Fest in Sheffield on August 6th 2022, Ferret will even buy you the tickets…

By Ferret

4 thought on “Danger, Danger…”
  1. any updates ? has this been taken down ?any appoligises made? who is the culprick who asked for this to be done

  2. The fence erected on the car park they own is still falling over. Just driven past in the last hour. If it comes down on someone I dread to think.

  3. didnt fix it right well then another bodgit mend lol …

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