Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

As we all are probably aware, concerns have been raised by both members of the public and some Councillors about the ever-rising costs and very poor ticket sales for Kenyon’s ego boosting mega event, paid for by us of course as usual, The Vengaboys concert scheduled to be at Hemsworth Waterpark in June.

The concerns of the public and certain Councillors are so high, that at a previous Town Council meeting it was agreed that this event would be subject to review and a final decision as to continue or cancel would be made later this month at the meeting to be held on 28th February.

Mr Kenyon has, despite these concerns of ever escalating costs, continued to spend our money and incurred additional costs of thousands of pounds which have already been reported on Ferret.

Ferret is alarmed to say the least, to see that it appears that Mr Kenyon has already taken the decision that the concert is going ahead and has announced it in the Wakefield Express in an article dated 10th February 2022.

The Vengaboys are finally coming to Hemsworth this June

The long-awaited and twice postponed Vengaboys concert planned for Hemsworth Water Park will now go ahead on Friday June 3 – the Queen’s platinum jubilee.

The event, which starts at 11am and finishes at 10pm, will see the Dutch dance act headline the bill, supported by Cher, Madness, Elton John, Lady Gaga and Pink covers bands alongside soul and Motown singer Ajay Jackson and ‘queen of divas’ Chelsea Radford.

Coun Jim Kenyon chair of Hemsworth Town Council which is organising the event said: “The festival has been a long time in the planning but it was unfortunately delayed due to the pandemic.

“However, the delay does now mean that we can hold the festival on the weekend of Her Majesty’s platinum jubilee and celebrate her 70 years reign.

“There will be a marching pipe band in Hemsworth town centre in the morning and then in the afternoon/evening the festival will be held in Hemsworth Water Park.

“It promises to be a great day.”

The Vengaboys have sold 25 million records worldwide and released four albums. The four-piece band had seven top-10 hits in the late 1990s, including the two number ones We’re Going to Ibiza and Boom,Boom, Boom!!

Tickets for the festival are now on sale, price £32 for adults with children under 14 and concessions £17.

As a gesture of good will over the date switch, those who have already bought a ticket will be entitled to a meal and drinks voucher on the day for the re-scheduled gig.

So, Mr Kenyon has already taken the decision that the concert is going ahead, so much for the concerns of residents, Councillors and even local businesses that have expressed concerns over possible traffic congestion and road closures.

More importantly what has happened to democracy in Hemsworth, Kinsley and Fitzwilliam?

The Town Council have a meeting on the 28th of this month to make the decision to continue with this event or to cut our losses and cancel, yet Mr Kenyon has continued spending thousands of pounds and worse still unilaterally pre-empted the Town Council and declared to the world that the event is going ahead.

Normally Ferret would ask the person responsible to explain their actions but in the case of Mr Kenyon there is no point in doing so as we already know, he will have done nothing wrong or it was the last lot’s fault or nobody saw him or he’s not to blame etc.

So, Ferret is asking the rest of the Hemsworth Town Councillors:

  • Are there any other councillors involved in this unconstitutional action of ignoring a Council decision?
  • Was this article in the Wakefield Express a paid for Promotion, if so the cost should be borne by Mr Kenyon and not the precept payer as it was not an approved Council decision?

Mr Kenyon has treated the Town Council, the Town Councillors and this Community with total contempt and disrespect and tried to show the world he is in charge by acting ultra vires” beyond his legal power or authority.

Ferret is asking the remaining Town Councillors who were elected to make decisions by us on our behalf and who are our legally and lawful representatives:

  • Will the Town Council now actually carry out the scheduled review into the concert’s future on the 28th?
  • Will this serious breach of his authority be reported to the relevant authority?
  • Are the Council as a whole, prepared to act against Mr Jim Kenyon for acting ultra vires, without Authority and use a vote of no confidence and strip him of all spending powers etc if he won’t resign?

Any Councillor who condones this behaviour by Kenyon is not fit to be an elected representative of our Township, the time to act is now…

By Ferret

5 thought on “Kenyon The Dictator: Another New Low – The death of Democracy…”
  1. Kenyon needs to go, concert needs to go and the quicker the better. I,ve seen and heard too much that is out of order with this person.He,s not right in the head.

  2. We must be as stupid is as stupid does to have a bankrupt repeatedly failed “business” man running not just our Council but an event as large as this. I’ll rephrase that any event or anything that involves money. Time he went while we still have some dignity and money left. How on earth did he get to be the chair of the council.

  3. As I said after the 3rd, it was clear to me that “IL DUCE” Kenyon has decided in his own mind, that the debacle will go ahead regardless, and now there will also be a free meal and drink for the 295 people who hold tickets at present, piling more cost on it. His ego will not allow it to be cancelled. How many of the tickets included in the total are complimentary ones?…double whammy of cost to precept payers with freebies on top!

  4. Dear god when exactly is this man going to be ousted. He’s a proven liability,he probably has a certificate in the the loft to prove it.
    I don’t even get why the venga boys they were a novelty act at best. Music that won’t even make it onto a kids party list.
    The trouble with this man is he’s got the attitude of us the lowly village folk are stupid and we should be grateful he’s doing what’s best for us.
    Kenyon only does what’s best for him, his cabal and his “head of security” which in turn means doing the best for him. We’re going round in expensive circles here.
    Only ones to suffer from this will be us.
    After he has ruined us he’ll move on to ruined someone and something else.
    The man needs psychological help.

  5. The vengaboys poster lists Apple entertainment agency as organisers for the acts at the “festival”. This company has ALREADY been paid thousands of pounds! Now Decembers budget introduces us to two more entertainment agencies! Ocean leisure and Peller agency! Despite a promise to review the future of the festival later this month Jimmy & co feel its fine to spend a further £2100 anyway! Looks like whether we like it or not the vengabus is coming !

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