Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret feels it is important to share with readers this post which was made on Facebook following the publications of last night’s meeting footage:

“Was as frustrating as ever to watch. Kenyon talking about 800k in bank, and that scares me, because he will spend as much as he can.

He was almost taking credit from the completion of Kirkby road sale and talking about delays cost HTC. Who was the cause of these delays? Him and his cronies of course.

Kenyon was as arrogant as ever and manipulative as usual, his attack on Sandygate facilities was pure distraction tactics, and it seems he is determined that the probable impending Vengaboys disaster will go ahead.

That was the conclusion I made from his words last night.

Clear to me now, that he will need carrying out of HTC because in his narcissistic head, he is doing a great job and is always right.

He talks a good talk to the layman, but anybody who knows anything about the topics he professes to be an expert in can see that he is a total bluffer.

I also saw last night, who is really in charge with the Eccles’. It’s not Gordon for sure!

Regarding this Pringle bloke, if he has not been receiving any payment of any kind, why did he need a grand title? Now there’s the question of the checks which will be paid for any councillor who agrees to have one, I’m pretty sure the chairman will be one who refuses, but he can prove me wrong can’t he?

I just hope by the time HTC’S version of Donald Trump exits the building, that the damage will not be terminal.”

Ferret believes the majority of the members of our Township, would agree with this post.

However, Ferret is pleased that our good honest Councillors are working tirelessly on our behalves with good results already being shown from the meeting last night.

Coming soon to Ferret…The full financial impact of the completed Saul agreement on our Township and as Cilla would say: Surprise, Surprise, it’s not as Jimmy would have you believe…

By Ferret

One thought on “Ferret would like to share the following…”
  1. Not certain if this applies at town council level but the following is taken from a “CRB ” direct website…hmmmm !!
    To take up the role of a councillor in the UK you will need to undergo a basic DBS check.
    A basic DBS check for a councillor involves a search by the Disclosure and Barring Service to verify whether you have any unspent criminal convictions or conditional cautions.

    Under UK law, if you have been sentenced to prison for three months or more during the five years prior to election day you will not be able to become a Councillor (these sentences include suspended sentences).

    DBS checks are a statutory requirement set out in the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. These terms have been in force for councillors since 1974. If you would like to find out more about your rights under the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act visit

    DBS checks exist to ensure the public, particularly children and vulnerable adults, are properly safeguarded. Under the 1974 law there are a wide variety of other frontline roles which also require CRB checks. The more contact the role has with children and vulnerable adults, the higher the level of DBS required.

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