Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret along with many others, has wondered why Independent Hemsworth Town Council created a parking area next to Fitzwilliam Primary School and adjacent to the Wanneville allotments in Fitzwilliam.

This was done by removing the existing perimeter fencing and replacing it nearer to the allotments, therefore making the fenced off allotment area smaller and creating a highways width up to the field beyond.

Ferret felt this was strange because they claimed it was done to make it easier to access the School. However, Ferret can confirm that the school have said they were neither asked or indeed wanted the car park as it has created safety issues and made matters worse with regards to pupil safety.

It also later transpired, that it had been done to a very poor standard and was soon in need of repair.

When Independent Hemsworth Town Council were questioned about doing the necessary repairs they astonishingly denied ownership of the land that had been previously part of the allotment site.

Move along a short while and it has now transpired that Independent Hemsworth Town Council have kept secret from our residents about discussions with Gleeson Regeneration and a proposed development of the Fitzwilliam club terrace allotment site.

This is the same Gleeson who held previously held discussions with Independent Hemsworth Town Council regarding the former Sports Complex site on Kirkby Road in Hemsworth.

More than just discussions have taken place in Fitzwilliam as a plan has even been drawn up for the former allotment site and adjacent land.

Ferret believes that two planning applications previously drawn up for the adjacent areas of land have already been rejected, for amongst other reasons, access from the road next to the Country Park.

So, this has made Ferret curious because of what is known in law as a Ransom Strip.

This is when the owner of land that they wish to develop requires access over land that is owned by someone else and they cannot use it unless they have permission to do so or as you would expect buy it from the other owner.

Fair enough you may say, just as you would expect – But there is a catch and this is why it is called a Ransom strip.

The value of the Ransom strip then increases dramatically up to believe it or not 30% of the redevelopment value.

So, Mr Jim Kenyon and Mr Alan Draper; As you are fully aware of the value of Ransom strips due to your long involvement with the sale of the Kirkby Road site which was subjected to restricted access –

Have you informed your appointed valuer of the allotment land at club terrace of the potential ransom strip hold it has over adjoining developments?

Why have you created access to the field behind the Wanneville Allotments at Fitzwilliam and then denied having ownership of this area?

Hemsworth Town Council and therefore the community, may not own the full area of this potential development access, but it certainly owns a substantial amount, given the amount that the fencing was removed and anyway in law an area as little as 6 inches is all that is needed.

Lastly, Ferret wonders who owns those fields behind the Wanneville Allotments and what other secrets are you are keeping from the people you are supposed to be representing?

By Ferret

3 thought on “The Car Park no one wanted or asked for…”
  1. Once again when you think they can’t sink any lower !!!!! We all know who was going to benefit from any under value of these areas of land and it’s not just the developer. Brown envelope Mr Kenyon? Or have we got you all wrong but then again you have been in a rush to sell club terrace and that area of the allotments was also done with lightening speed. Thank heavens images are on Google earth going back years and can prove true ownership of the land

  2. Scheming conniving set of despicable lowlifes led by the biggest one of the lot and he’s the Chair of our council, omg just how much worse can this get.

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