Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

The initial idea to start the Ferret page on Facebook was at the beginning of July 2021.

Lots of materials and evidence had been collated since the “Independents” took over Hemsworth Town Council in May 2019 and Ferret believed now was the time to share these with the good people of the Township.

The Ferret page went live on 26 July 2021 and quickly gained a large number of followers. The page was forced offline on 27 August 2021 and Ferret moved onto www.hemsworthferret.co.uk , where information continued to be posted daily into the ongoing misdemeanours at Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

The Ferret website continued to grow daily, as did the Facebook page and the previous articles which had been posted. Ferret returned to Facebook on 23 November 2021 adding YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and tumblr accounts shortly after.

Ferret would like to share some statistics with you:

  • Facebook page has been visited 18168 times
  • Facebook page has been liked 521 times
  • Facebook page is followed by 577 people
  • www.hemsworthferret.co.uk has been visited 8219 times
  • www.hemsworthferret.co.uk pages have been viewed a total of 92575 times.
  • YouTube 1850 views

Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair, Independent Hemsworth Town Council is on record as stating that he believes only 80 people read Ferret and 80 people out of 16000 is nothing.

Ferret believes the statistics shown here, as well as the conversations out in public, provide a very different picture and speak for themselves.

Not bad for a little Ferret eh?

Finally, Ferret is not just the efforts of one person; Ferret is a collective effort from a community who remain deeply shocked and at times in utter disbelief and disgust at the antics of Independent Hemsworth Town Council and the cabal of Councillors making the decisions on where to spend our money.

Ferret is here to stay until these individual Councillors resign (or are removed) and are held accountable for their actions.

By Ferret

2 thought on “Ferret…”
  1. Ferret is what we need. It is clear that it is supported. I know not every reader will comment for fear of reprisals but they are the ones that read, digest and know the truths are coming out. More power to the collective I say.

  2. Ha a business of ferrets, ETHELBERT the place is overun with those darn pesky ferrets I tell you overun we are send for a lawyer and a digger and a roller oh and for good measure a dumper we’ll shows them rascals

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