Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

A Seasonal reprise of – A few but only a few of Kenyon’s “achievements” in brief.

On the seventh day of Kenyonmess...Tesco Development – Opposed by Kenyon

In the years following the miners’ strike, Hemsworth like most other mining dependent communities went into decline with serious losses of jobs and subsequently people’s homes. Shops, factories and offices also disappeared and with them went employment opportunities.

Things were looking distinctly grim and then came a light on the horizon, the proposed Tesco development and with it jobs and hope.

As usual who stepped forward to oppose this ray of light?  

Yes that’s right Jim Kenyon.

As you are aware he failed but you may not realise that the development was to take place in two stages:

Stage 1 – basically what you see today

Stage 2 – would have seen an extra 150 jobs created with a department for the sale of white goods etc.

Again step forward (or backwards) the caped crusader that is Mr Kenyon to oppose this, again as usual he lost the court case, funded again by legal aid but unfortunately for us, in the delay of many months Tesco had a rethink and decided not to proceed with stage 2.

Along with it went the 150 jobs and additional business rates for the area as well as public access to the extra department that Tesco would have provided.

By Ferret

3 thought on “The 24 Days of Kenyon-mess…”
  1. Just have a gander back at their election leaflet VOTE PROGRESS oh the irony of it. Do we want jobs NO. Do we want better housing NO. Do we want better food outlets on a piece of waste land NO. What do we want FOOTBALL PITCHES, how many, UMPTEEN,when do we want them, YESTERDAY. The football parties idea of progress is very strange. Tesco and the other stores whatever you think of them have provided much needed jobs to the town whilst also saving a lot of elderly people from having to traipse into Wakefield Pontefract or Barnsley to do their shopping. Progress my rear end they’re obsessed with the past and personal vendetta along with non existent conspiracy theories of such proportions that they’re too daft to laugh at.

  2. It seems to be anything that will put him into the limelight unfortunately he hasn’t got the brain power or even common sense to realise the consequences of his actions. then again it is now apparent he doesn’t care so long as he’s alright.

  3. Fat Albert. It seems nobody wants new housing on their doorstep. How about redevelop areas that have poor use of land.

    Hemsworth needs to adapt, but houses doesn’t solve the schools or doctors shortages, only add to it!!

    When were the catchment area boundries re-evaluated. 80’s??

    Where are the schools and roads plans!!!
    Where are the council pushing Wakefield on this.

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