Ferret believes everyone is aware that Mr Jim Kenyon has now finally accepted that the contract with Saul Construction Limited for the sale of the former Sports Complex on Kirkby Road in Hemsworth is legally binding.
Contrary to constant lies both him and Ian Womersley – Independent District Councillor have told the precept payers of this township for a number of years, spending hundreds of thousands of pounds of your money in needless litigation.
Further to my post yesterday seeking the whereabouts of Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council, who seems to have gone missing since Thursday.
Ferret has seen a sneak preview of the Vengaboys 2022 promotional video and thought others may like to see it…
Well it looks like Janet Bower is back! …and according to him/her/it…hemsworth bodger/ badger has got a seven day facebook ban! The cretin claims that whoever reported it is childish!…and he/she/it would never report anybody.. more lies!
Strange how Jimmy badger closes down and Jimmy Janet bower appears………….. must be sheer coincidence 😭😭😭😭 l wonder if Janet will stand for the Council when Jimmy badger resigns. Like Stan badger says l hope she shaves her tash off before putting her lippy on. Don’t forget Jimmy. Wouldn’t want you looking an even bigger fool than you already do.
Well to say Jimmy…Janet…badger proclaims he would not be so childish as to report an individuals facebook account? It seems that Donald Donaldson on facebook, has had his account suspended! Looks like someones getting rattled! Oh well pass me the gin…this show gets better every day !
Poor Donald Donaldson, someone clearly is rattled. Keep posting on Ferret.
Richard Head probably next on Jim’s hit list.😆
Never seen in the same room at the same time 🙂 . Sounds familiar!