Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

A Seasonal reprise of – A few but only a few of Kenyon’s “achievements” in brief.

On the sixth day of Kenyonmess…Fitzwilliam Centre – Opposed by Kenyon

The Old people’s centre in Fitzwilliam was taken over by Hemsworth Town Council again for similar reasons as the Cemetery Road Sports.

Major refurbishment was undertaken at this building to make it fit for purpose and provide a Centre for the people of Fitzwilliam to call their own; the trusteeship is now in the hands of Hemsworth Town Council as are the deeds to the property.

Contrary to another lie that Mr Kenyon circulated.

By Ferret

5 thought on “The 24 Days of Kenyon-mess…”
  1. Can we have a whip round so we can pay him to stay away, burnt carpets especially welcome

  2. Oppose everything and more I remember one of their number bleating on about how the centre should be sold as it was costing the precept payer money. Same said bleater and moaner was at the same time selling numerous amounts of contraband goods all over the parish depriving struggling small businesses of much needed revenue and those businesses were paying rates taxes etc unlike themselves

  3. The Fitzwilliam centre has so much potential as we are seeing lately
    Never seen it used so much but that’s down to another councillor who has only the community in mind
    Wasn’t it a few meetings ago Mr pringle another of the clan asked if they could sell the centre and 2 councillors told him no
    What do they want to sell everything for that I’d eat I’m asking and where is the money going to go now they don’t have that idiotic complex to spend on

  4. So the council “advisor” Pringle and a.n. other wanted to sell the centre but wasn’t their great leader Kenyon, repeatedly telling anyone daft enough to listen HTC didn’t own it. looks like they got their stories confused once again. Still not as good as the carpet story though. Lol

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