Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

It’s always nice to have nice new clean carpets fitted just before Christmas.

Most of us have to pay for the old ones to be disposed of, or we take them to the local recycling centre.

Not Councillors Gordon and Jean Eccles though!

Here are some photographs which show Hemsworth Town Council employees, using Hemsworth Town Council Resources to transport Eccles’ rubbish to the compound next to the Lakeside Café Bar and subsequently burning them.

Ferret is absolutely disgusted at the brazenness of the Councillors involved.

If this is what happens in broad daylight, Ferret has to wonder what happens when Gordon closes that gate…

So if anyone wants any waste disposing contact Alan Draper – Clerk – Independent Hemsworth Town Council…

By Ferret

29 thought on “Councillor Eccles’ new carpets…”
  1. Ah! So THIS is why they won’t get rid of the plant machinery! 🤬

  2. Personal rubbish and waste disposal, personal waterway clearing, personal land fencing and clearing, gated entrance for personal driveway with own key and all this on top of personal street lights in “their” garden, all paid for by us . Time to go you’ve been well and truly caught red handed as they say. Resign now .

  3. lol they above everyone ..wemt for a walk yesterday cameras everywhere shouldnt be allowed to point on roads should only be able to cover there property to say they had a big clean up with the waterway around the house good of yorkshire water to clean it up for them free of charge or they might have added it to the bill for removing the shit from bottom pond , but they forgot to tarmac the car park at hemswoth water park ,,which kenyon said they were doing lol

  4. So we are paying someone’s wages to carry this out, when there are so many other duties they should be doing.
    Plus that’s very nice of them to be burning in day light hours when people are visiting the waterpark to be greeted with unpleasant fumes from the burning of the carpets.
    Very environmentally friendly are some of our councillors NOT
    Can’t wait for the excuses why this was allowed to be carried out, or Mr Badgers rant. Then again they could have taken it to the Kirby road site and dumped it on there,

  5. Hi. I’ve reported this to be raised at the next council meeting. Can it be confirmed that these pictures were taken yesterday, 21st Nov? Thanks

  6. oh dear caught again but what will Draper and the council do about it ?, as usual absolutely nothing. just like the rest of the complaints, data breaches, wrong doings call them what you like it will just be ignored and brushed under the carpet.
    its time they all resigned and Draper and Knowles were sacked

  7. So does this perk of the job otherwise known as misuse of public funds and resources extend beyond the inner circle of corruption to other councillors, I doubt it, so over to you decent councillors, complicit or are you going to take action against the people involved and that may well involve Draper, who is supposed to be the town clerk responsible for staff.

  8. Not sure why the date is relevant, clearly HTC machinery and at the waterpark, rubbish in Eccles’ garden and then on vehicle. Looks like game set and match to me.

  9. Well what’s Bodger going to say, his Councillors never abuse their positions do they and he’d never contaminate the atmosphere would he with all he says about air quality in Hemsworth. Bet he buries his snout in a bowl of mash over this one, then again it’ll be a good laugh whatever he comes up with and we’ve had some beauties lately, if he can speak without spluttering tatties everywhere that is.

  10. What I find annoying with this caper is the fact that those now in office went around at the last election bleating and roaring at times about the criminal behaviour and corruption of the last council and councillors,they don’t mince their words they’re all there on leaflets for all the world to see. They besmirched the good names of decent honest people whom I personally know and would never in a million years contemplate never mind engage in wholesale corruption that these people levelled at them. Many many of my friends and decent people too voted for them they swallowed the lies and inuendoes when I tell them of things like this they don’t want to know it’s a sore point that they know they were duped they may not readily admit that but once bitten twice shy as they say. I’ll say no more a picture paints a thousand words

  11. What colour would you say that carpet is? Maybe moles breath?

  12. Eccles could have put the carpet on the fire he had at his club in Elmsall the other week.

  13. Did he pay hire for the machinery?
    Who loaded? Was that a WP worker? Who paid for that?
    Is it legal this day and age to be burning carpets? We don’t live that far from a refuse place.
    Just a few of the questions I need answering.

  14. I’ve had a response from the clerk saying these carpets were removed ‘mistakenly’ by council staff when the Eccles’ were on holiday and that they were not burnt and it would not happen again. Unfortunately I don’t believe a word of it.

  15. So the clerk is saying that the council staff mistakenly trespassed onto private property and stole some carpet.
    10 out 10 for imagination 💭

  16. So if the carpet wasn’t burnt, it can be returned to them so they can dispose of it correctly.

  17. I’m sure this has all been caught on Councillor Eccles multi camera CCTV system and they will be more than happy to share all of the footage to provide proof to the precept payers.

  18. Yes that’s exactly what he’s saying and why I’ve told him I don’t believe a word of it. I’ve said I’d like them to explain this to the public in attendance at the next meeting and that I also think a full apology is needed. I asked how the council staff managed to ‘mistakenly’ remove the carpets given the councillors were on holiday and I’m presuming they don’t leave their doors wide open for all to enter.

  19. In theory then the member of staff stole the carpets right? Surely ‘being spoken to’ isn’t enough here? Or is it more likely that either councillor Eccles asked one of the staff to shift them, this got back to the clerk who investigated and the Eccles told the member of staff to just say it was a mistake? These people have to work in close proximity to the Eccles every day so will want an easy life.
    Maybe it’s time for an anonymous staff survey to see how the staff really feel?

  20. Ha so HTC staff mistakenly encroach and trespass on to private property so we now employ staff that don’t know where they’re going, have we lost any of them, do they need tracking devices attached to them? Sounds absurd but not as absurd and pathetic as that lame legged excuse put forward. Mr Draper Sir you must really think everyone around here is as thick as a pork pie crust from Shelton’s for goodness sake man stop being an apologist for what you know is utterly unacceptable behaviour that fools no one

  21. Do any of the photographs show the carpets being burnt? Additionally the fire that is shown, is this on land that is controlled by the parish/ council?

  22. What date were the carpets removed and taken to compound?

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