Sun. May 19th, 2024

In a recent Leisure and Recreation meeting on 4th November 2021 with regards to Allotment security Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council stated that a CCTV camera could not be used as it would be recording a public footpath.

Ferret finds it strange therefore, that Councillor Jean Eccles requested help to identify people “casing her property” on 21st April.

It is clear to Ferret, that the CCTV used by Councillor Eccles is recording the public footpath and access road which runs adjacent to their home at the entrance to the Waterpark.

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) regulates the use of home CCTV and provides information on its use.

Ferret hopes that Councillor Eccles is complying with the law regarding the use of her CCTV. If not, it could prove very costly as evidenced in this recent case…

By Ferret

13 thought on “Councillor Eccles – CCTV filming the public…”
  1. Lord and lady Eccles obviously think they own the road and waterpark already, so they’re entitled to do it. I can’t imagine why they’d think anyone would want to “case” their place, well I mean it’s not like they’ve ever done anything wrong to anyone in their lives is it. Such good people they at least deserve one of Bodger /Kenyon’s ” knighthoods”.

  2. So not only did they record images on their cctv of individuals on a public road, Jean thought it fit to post them on Facebook as well! Guess your damned if you do and damned if you dont. It was highlighted at the meeting that cctv was not allowed at the allotments because the idea was “knocked back” by the police “actually”…since when have the police thought that crime reducing cameras are not welcome! Ferret has shared the link regarding this and in no way does it state that it cannot record images of a street or path..thousands of people do it. A clear sign/notice saying cctv in operation is all that is needed. If there is no cameras at allotment then why was there a payment to amazon for “camera and memory card, allorment?? Or is there no cctv so they can allow repeated vandalism to a former councillors allotment.!.OR IS ITt so no one is filmed or caught storing illegal substances
    in their hiding place down there !

  3. It’s good to see these law abiding people are so vigilant, I wonder if they filmed who built that illegal wall and stole council land outside their manor house? Maybe they got the number of that white van leaving full of stuff in lockdown too.

  4. bless accusations the suspect pmsl answered mrs martin
    Not looking to do rob or do anything to your property, we were walking to the water park to take photos of the blossom and swans, we also loved your ornate railings with the flowers on, so we took a photo of them, that’s all. No offence meant by doing this

  5. A perfect example of what was wrong with Jean Martin Eccles’ post, law abiding people on a public space being accused of “casing” for doing what they’ll are perfectly entitled to do and a perfect example of why that camera is unlawful oh and a perfect example of how the Eccles’ mind set operates

  6. Get ready for another edict coming from Bodger Kenyon’s Council. (but only after its a done deal of course)
    “In order to prevent further disturbance and distress to the Lord and Lady in waiting of Hemsworth Waterpark, Hemsworth Town Council have taken the decision to permantly close the “Ecclesgate” entrance on the Hoyel Mill access road. Public entry to the park,for both pedestrians and vehicles, is now from Wakefield road via the access adjacent to the church and nursing home. To ensure they suffer no detrimental effects from the locking of the gate Hemsworth Town Council have given them a “golden” key so they can access their new exclusive driveway to their home without hindrance and are to provide remote control gates for them to use as soon as the Club terrace land at Fitzwilliam is sold.”
    Lord and Lady Eccles were said to be “surprised and thrilled” by the decision which came out of the blue for them and when asked about the effect the extra traffic would have on the nursing home stated, “Well they’ll soon get used to it, alot of them are deaf anyway and the others can buy ear plugs”

  7. i know the explanation was innocent nut i was hoping it was wmdc agents recording the illegal land theft maybe as the song goes gorden is a moron lol, please serve their comeuppance soon

  8. There was a time, not that long ago, when it was possible to do a circular walk around the lake, without having to double back and take the road when a locked gate blocked your path.
    I used to love this walk. It is no longer possible! This is so sad. We folk who go for a strol in our park shouldn’t be forced onto a single track road with on coming traffic.
    This circular walk has been there ever since I can remember so doesn’t this constitute a Public Right of Way?
    Perhaps it’s complicated legal advice which HTC failed to obtain (on behalf of residents).
    Perhaps they assumed (wrongly) that most people drive to the park.
    Does anyone else miss this walk in the park?

  9. mr draper promised at meeting on 4th november that the spending accounts will be up loaded and to date on thursday today …i cant see anything ? he did say this on record

  10. All anyone with cctv has to do is put signs up, then it’s fine to have it recording. I don’t see what their problem is-unless they don’t want whoever is trashing the one particular allotment to be stopped. 🤔

  11. is bodger spying ? they updated site lol 16th september 228 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY
    Resolved that:
    • A donation of £200 be made to the Hemsworth branch of the Royal British
    Legion, with the same amount to be donated to the respective branches in
    Kinsley and Fitzwilliam pending receipt of further information.
    • Refreshments be provided in Hemsworth Community Centre ? kinsley and fitzy yet we cant have a parade like hemsworth cant make head or sense of spending dates dont corospond to date released lol a few intresting facts

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