Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

When Independent Hemsworth Town Council Chair – Mr Jim Kenyon’s lies were starting to be exposed, one former Police Officer who was also a Councillor immediately resigned.

Ferret finds it hard to understand that the other former Police Officer and Independent Councillor Mr Ian Womersley didn’t.

What Ferret finds even more baffling, is that Independent Mr Ian Womersley continued to support and condone Mr Jim Kenyon’s actions in his repeated votes supporting him in meetings at Hemsworth Town Council.

Now that Mr Ian Womersley has finally resigned from Hemsworth Town Council is he going to do the right thing and report Mr Kenyon and his actions to the relevant bodies?

Ferrer hopes so, but won’t hold my breath…

By Ferret

12 thought on “The difference between two former Police Officers…”
  1. He will never report him or come clean about the lying and corruption that’s taken place and still is happening because he is too involved with it. Womersley is a disgrace and always has been yet he has fooled people for a long time and continues to do so. The truth is coming out and the penny is dropping now to those who gave their support to him without question. I will wait to see what you reveal Ferret so I don’t spoil any of your revelations about this user before I go further.This has been a long time in coming.

  2. Actions speak louder than words as the saying goes, Womersley fully involved or he would have dumped them like a ton of bricks. No way should anyone honest carryon supporting when hearing first hand how serious and false all Kenyon’s accusations were. He’s not fit to be a Councillor or in any position of responsibility.

  3. Ian has a chance to redeem himself now.
    He should take the opportunity.
    Whatever his reasons were to support Kenyon & Eccles, if you lie with dogs you get fleas.
    Let’s hope the steering group with Ian does tremendous work and he definitely needs to distance himself from the Cabal.

  4. He’s not fit to be part of any steering group, wake up and see the light, he should step down or be removed, how can anyone whose been part of this set be trusted ever again. They should all be facing criminal charges and made to pay back their I’ll gotten gains to the community.

  5. I think this is his final chance. Before Ian mothballed his page he was still receiving supporting comments and there is still a group of people that believe Wakefield is all bad and all the problems are coming from Wakefield.
    He will either prove them wrong or right.
    Those who voted him in at district level need to see things for themselves otherwise all the trouble can be claimed to come from “keyboard warriors” like it does.
    I would also like the steering group to be a great success it needs to be a success. This area needs a break and good things and changes coming.

  6. Womersley is tainted, to say the least. If anyone puts this man anywhere near anything to do with money before the issues at Hemsworth are resolved they are not showing due diligence. It is public money involved and enough money already is being misused at Hemsworth. Womersley had the chance to redeem himself at the vote of no confidence and subsequent votes where he chose to support King Kenyon. So if you want to give him another chance on top of these chances do so with your own money and not ours. If Wakefield even allow him to stay on the steering group all the other members should walk out in protest. Then again given his past record over many years he won’t even attend, with a bit of luck.

  7. If Womersley has any common sense it would tell him to step down until his name is cleared or otherwise.
    He’s putting this steering group project at risk of humiliation if he tries to take
    any part in it and of course the money that is intended to come our way may well go elsewhere. I’m sure we can manage without him, we usually do.

  8. By and large the independents have made much political capital on the blame everything on Wakefield tickets and some of it is justified and some not. All local authorities have (mostly labour) suffered Draconian cuts over the last ten years from central government the independent know this but choose not to tell the electorate this but rather dishonesty pour all the blame for our areas troubles on WMDC this disingenuous bellendery needs to stop and they need to level with folk because the truth is even if Wakefield were ran by the Tories we would still be impacted by central government cuts. The same applies to their desires for a sports complex if they feel their claim is genuine and robust then why not lobby and pursue this through the district council to provide it rather than burden three villages with an eternal never ending bill. Would I be correct in assuming that many of these current independent councillor all stood for UKIP in a previous election a party who are on record as supporting more cuts to public spending than even the Tory party so what is their policy more cuts or more spending or more bellendery and blame everything on Wakefield it’s becoming old hat

  9. no he wont do anything because exposing kenyon eccles n co will also expose him as complicit which he undoubtedly is

  10. Can you remember the statement from womersley with regards to Wakefield, I won’t take no for an answer. Well how long over the years have you been a District Councillor? How many times have you taken NO for an answer now? Better question given your attendance record how many times have you ever asked anything? You are not even contactable by the people you are supposed to represent. There is only one person you look after and that is yourself. So keep taking our money won’t you and keep staying out of contact like you have always done. A man who offered so much and delivers NOTHING.

  11. yes he took no for an answer and organised for volunteers to do the job for free jobs in his own words we already paid wakefield to do complete failure as a tenure in the capacity as a hemsworth town council should be removed as district councilor and banned from ever being able to stand again same with the incumbent bunch of liars

  12. As yet, there has been no chair decided on for the steering group, as it hasn’t even met yet, and there are 2 other Wakefield Councillors involved as well as Maxine from HTC, and myself, and a number of other people who are certainly not the type to let anyone push us around.

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