Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Ferret has noted that Hemsworth Town Council agreed to appoint a solicitor regarding the sale of the Club Terrace allotment site in Fitzwilliam.

Ferret is again disturbed that there has been no public consultation about the sale or what the proceeds from the sale should be used for.

Surely the public should have some input into this? Especially the people of Fitzwilliam, who I’m sure will have better ideas for its use rather than being put into “reserves” that certain Councillors can use at will for whatever they want…

By Ferret

10 thought on “Club Terrace – Allotment site”
  1. The question was asked to HTC on what plans they had for this money
    It was asked if they were going to give some to Fitzwilliam and kinsley to help improve the area
    Kenyons answer was the land belongs to Hemsworth so that was shirt and sweet wasn’t it
    I do believe it will be part of the funding for his sports complex
    Then he will only have to find 6.5 million for it
    maybe it should pay off our debts when we win or lose with Saul so basically it’s dead money isn’t it

  2. The asset stripping has begun, sell off the assets and put into this lots pockets. They’re not content with petty cash that’s not petty, cash in hand payments of thousands of pounds, jobs for the boys and girls, access control to restrict the use of community land, thousands of pounds spent on councillors own properties etc etc etc etc.

  3. I recall being at one meeting when this was getting discussed. As I recall the money from Club Terrace goes into the coffer’s and can be spent anywhere in the area.
    From a silly zip wire line at the Waterpark to the Kirkby Road Sports complex.
    The cowboy councillors can spend it at will on what they like.
    We need a new Sheriff.

  4. The hypocrisy of them knows no bounds or depths clearly they need the sale in desperation to balance the books because of their Ill thought out hair brained ideas that are pie in the sky and they care not tell their footballing followers in Hemsworth the truth that it’s not feasible and never was. The same council who vehemently oppose any kind of development in Hemsworth but could not care a hoot what happened elsewhere Fitzwilliam is a prime example they tried to sell land in the newsteads all for development but oppose woodlands in Hemsworth which they could not even be bothered to partake in the consultation process claiming ignorance. I don’t object per se against sports but clearly this crowd think only one sport exists. The land in Fitzwilliam could be used for a multitude of things

  5. very worrying …ide like to know how much land as been sold in all 3 comunitys and who bought it? how much they paid? underpriced i persume and can i persume most of this land been bought by said counilers to sell at a later date ….i personally think any land being sold off by town should go to auction for best price ,,,then again they shouldnt be selling it ..i agree public should have their voices heard on sales of anything or building getting done by our town council

  6. Assuming the proceeds of this land goes to financing a sports complex located in the far side of Hemsworth and we in Fitzwilliam get nothing from the sale of our land then let me be clear here and now we’ll be leaving and I’ll make sure we leave and I won’t be on my own in organising it neither. Such a complex is of no use to us it’s location is nearer to Kirby and brierley than us. Add on to that we will be expected to pay to maintain it it’s not happening not if we have owt to do wi it

  7. The process to sell land at Club Terrace, Fitzwilliam began in April 2019 (according to HTC minutes) in consultation with WMCD, in the drafting up of their Local Plan. This is the same Local Plan which includes land next to Vale Head Park, which our Cllrs said they were unaware of!

    Here are the key dates in 2019 and 2021:
    1. 30.4.19 (Policy) – Cllrs to meet WMDC to discuss Club Terrace re Local Plan (no minutes).
    2. 14.5.19 (Annual Town Council) – HTC Chairman to meet with WMDC Planning Office (no minutes).
    3. 14.5.19 (Annual Town Council) – Approved a review of HTC’s Land and Assets.
    4. 13.6.19 (Leisure and Recreation) – Request received from WMDC to include land in the Local Development Plan.
    5. 4.7.19 (Policy & Planning) – Obtained adjacent landowner’s support for the land to be included in WMDC’s Local Plan.
    6. 15.8.19 (Town Council) – Section 106 monies to be progressed by Cllrs Kenyon and Womersley with WMDC (no minutes).
    7. 15.8.19 (Town Council) – Intention to dispose of land: Policy remains.
    8. 2.10.19 (Policy and Planning) – Request direct phone line numbers from WMDC.
    9. 17.10.19 (Town Council) – Town Clerk to submit a request to Sec of State re the allotment reclassification required.
    10. 17.10.19 (Town Council) – Section 106 monies – Cllrs Kenyon and Womersley to continue discussions with WMDC (no minutes).
    11. 17.10.19 (Town Council) – WMDC delegated decision of June 2016 – Cllrs Kenyon and Womersley to discuss with WMDC (no minutes).
    12. 11.12.19 (Town Council) – Club Terrace to be disposed of in accordance with statutory regulations.
    (2020 -to be completed)
    13. 1.4.21 (Town Council) – To receive RICS Valuer Report.
    14. 1.4.21 (Town Council) – To sell on open market to highest bidder.
    15. 1.4.21 (Town Council) – Town Clerk to review Asset Register (Council Land and Property).
    16. 20.5.21 (Annual Town Council) – The valuation to be divulged to the party concerned.
    17. 20.5.21 (Annual Town Council) – Contract access clause is required in sale contract.
    18. 17.6.21 (Town Council) – Sanderson Weatherall be appointed selling agent.

    The disposal of HTC land at Club Terrace, Fitzwilliam is very similar (if not identical) in nature to the proposed sale of land at Newstead View, Fitzwilliam (which public consultation stopped).

    13.6.19 (Leisure and Recreation) – Discussions with WMDC when they requested to include the strip of land at Newstead Allotments in WMDC’s Local Development Plan.

    However, in the process to dispose of our land at Club Terrace, our HTC did not undertake any public consultation. I believe this breaches legislative requirements (but I’m no expert so can’t put my finger on the section etc). If so, could we request an injunction, or something?

    I’m not sure how effective a complaint to WMDC Monitoring Officer would be as it looks as though WMDC are the driving force behind the this sale of land, to order to meet their Govt housing targets.

    My opinion, for what it’s worth, is that Fitzwilliam Village has expanded enough (doubled?) over recent years and that this land should now be used for recreational purposes of our community. Apart from sports facilities, we have no outdoor “Green” on which to meet and hold events. This type of area would add value to our community enormously.

    We have had enough expansion – without seeing any benefit (ie the Section 106 funding)!
    Let’s start to be pro-active and fight for our village and stop being a door mat and taken to the cleaners.
    Apologies for the length of this post – but I do think this is critically important.

  8. meeting on 4th november ..this is park and leisure
    05 HEMSWORTH WATER PARK (including the café bar)
    To consider the following matters:
    a) Heating system – café bar.
    b) Licence variation – café bar.
    c) Entertainment acts – café bar.
    d) Zipwire – Playworld
    Visit Hemsworth Water Park for a great family day out
    Leisure and Recreation Committee Meeting
    4 November 2021
    Agenda – continued
    e) Yorkshire Water drainage works – update.
    f) Quote to connect the Playworld septic tank to the public sewer.
    To consider/review the following matters:
    a) Appeal regarding a caravan – Grove Lane.
    b) Request to have two goats for a temporary period – Sandygate.
    c) Request to have a (second) pony – Sandygate.
    d) Security – Grove Lane.
    e) Pest control.
    f) Supplementary request from Keepmoat to increase storage area –
    boy our town council dont listen and dont learn zip wire at playworld ..been there done that accident after accident got took down why another one did they do there home work? agree with pest control get rid of the big rats lol

    To receive apologies for absence and to consider and approve the reasons for
    Councillors should disclose pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest/s in any item/s
    on this agenda.
    To receive questions from members of the public.
    Members of the public and the press to be excluded for the consideration of
    business a confidential nature, as per the Public Bodies Admissions to
    Meetings Act 1960.
    To receive (confidential) advice from the council’s appointed RICS valuer
    (Sanderson Weatherall) regarding the disposal of land at Club Terrace,
    ..i take from this item 5 will not be discussed with public as at item 4 dismisses us ….

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