Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Whose got the business plan? How to break the Data Protection Act with ease? Will the Venga bus have anywhere to park?

In the Town Council meeting held on 14 October 2021, Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council breached Data Protection Legislation.

When discussing the Vengaboys Concert, he named the owner of the field who had given his permission to use this for parking. This is the field between Vale Head Park and the Woodlands estate.

Just to clarify, you are not allowed to mention people’s names in any meeting. If this was not bad enough, Mr Kenyon also got the name horribly wrong and referred to a well respected relative of the owners who sadly is no longer with us.

Ferret will understand that you will find this hard to believe of such an intelligent, moral, sensitive and sympathetic Councillor who would never knowingly utter a falsehood from his lips.  As you can imagine, this has caused untold unnecessary upset and distress to the family.

This is not the first time Mr Kenyon has got names wrong, as in the same Town Council meeting he was constantly mixing up two Councillors Christian names and then wondered why neither of them were responding to him. Obviously, this will have been their faults and not Mr Kenyon’s.

With regards to the field in question and parking for the (8000 😊) ticket holders attending the Vengaboys concert, not only did he get the gentleman’s name wrong but Mr Kenyon also went on to exaggerate the permission he had obtained.

The original offer was made on a one-off basis, as it was dependent on the gathering in of the crops firstly and also to avoid any poor weather. The offer to use the field has now lapsed as the concert is now earmarked for June 2022. There is now no chance of using this field for parking due to the change of date.

Ferret was then surprised to find that on Wakefield Council’s web pages, when searching for this application PL 1331 this field is still shown as Car Parks 1 & 2. The other area for parking is the former Farmers Public House site which belongs to Councillor Eccles. You may recall this is the site that Hemsworth Town Council spent your money on clearing.

Ferret would hope that Mr Draper – Town Council Clerk, has shown due diligence and has already highlighted this oversight with the Safety Advisory Group and Licensing committee, so that the necessary amendments can take place. Maybe this could go on the Hemsworth Town Council website under corrections?

Ferret has found it hard to visualise where the vast number of visitors, as predicted by Mr Kenyon could be alternatively parked, but then again if heaven forbid he is wrong for the first time in his life, then Councillors Gordon and Jean Eccles should be able to fit them in at the former Farmers Public House site, at a reasonable price of course.  

Incidentally, Mr Kenyon has also been found guilty of breaching Data Protection by the monitoring officer at Wakefield Council on another issue. He was instructed to apologise for this and surprisingly, he has not done so to date. Maybe he is waiting for the next Town Council meeting when his apology can be publicly recorded? Ferret thinks there is little to no chance of that happening.

Ferret can also not understand why Hemsworth Town Council has removed the links to recorded meetings from their website? These are now only available on Facebook, a third-party website which many residents are not a member of.

Ferret has to wonder why Mr Kenyon is making it difficult for residents to view these recordings when he was elected on pledges including “openness and transparency”.

Maybe this is a cost issue?

If so, maybe spend a little less on litigation and trying to silence a little furry animal…

By Ferret

19 thought on “Mr Jim Kenyon: The Disasters continue…”
  1. Didn’t he say in one of the meetings a couple of weeks ago that people would park ‘on cemetery road’?
    1) How does he expect everyone to park there and residents to be able to still have access?
    2) He can’t be expecting to sell 8000 tickets or whatever the number is if they’re not providing adequate parking.
    3) If he doesn’t expect to sell that many tickets why he is continuing with it? Is it for his own personal concert?

  2. Correct Sam. There was a conversation on parking. A few people made valid points including Cllr Ann. But the man is very certain of the answer he gives. This exchange should be captured on one of the videos that Nancy Folleti and Lyn Morton recorded
    I’d say that Jim suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect but I believe he actively enjoys it.

  3. By parking on cemetery road does he mean the football ground? He must do there’s nowhere else that I can think of. Thousands of cars on grass pitches will actually completely ruin them. Heaven forbid if it’s rainy. A repeat of the Ayr stadium disaster which he left destroyed. Just shows his real passion for football is just a sham, he just uses people and when he’s found out or there is nothing left he away with the fairies.

  4. i heard parking was available on the cemetary football pitches ….kids loose out no football and fields will be ruined …i go to watch my son play football there along with others and parking is bad and i often think them poor people living near by put there life on hold for a few hours for kids of their comunity to enjoy them selves …wonder how they will feel putting there lifes on hold for a piss up ,and not even for their comunity…ive complained about the state of the dog track car park glass all over unkept …which was mentioned for parking for concert bet this gets a major overhaul done who does this belong to ? i asked ian womersley his reply… I am not sure but I believe the car park you refer to belongs to the greyhound stadium and therefore is private….so i can only persume hemsworth town council will have asked permission to use this car park as its private …so a clean up bill will be also be added to the cost of the vengaboys concert

  5. It was said that the parking would be on the football fields.
    1. How do they intend to get the traffic up and down cemetery road, to access the football field.
    2. Once they have done that how do they get the cars on to the field. There’s a small toilet block and fencing there making it only accessible by pedestrians.
    3 how are they going to manage traffic leaving the fields, will they have attendants on-site to manage this.
    4. If and it’s s big if all the expected venga fans turn up how are they going to placate the residents on cemetery road who are going to be massively disrupted for the day possibly more for the prep and clear up for the day.
    5. Are they going to pay for re-establishing the football pitches and fencing etc.
    There are possibly more questions to be asked and answered.
    However baring in mind JK doesn’t care if no one buys a ticket because it’s his own private concert these questions may not even need to be asked.

  6. Surely any planning permissions granted based on these fields for parking are now null and void as I believe Ferret is pointing out. So step in Wakefield, the sooner the better.

  7. There , could well be another issue – over crowded trains from Leeds.
    I told my daughter about our concert in the park with Ye Olde Vengaboys, and she was thrilled to bits – she loves them!! So, it’ll be a day out for her (and company) and many, many more, all travelling here by train (to avoid drink driving). And then all travelling back again later on.
    I expect Cllr Kenyon has factored all this into his business plan too.
    The disruption to local residents will no doubt be felt.
    But, at least it’s not adding to the parking issue.

  8. I brought up at the meeting about crops still being in fields and we then got the answer they would park on cemetery road. Quite a few concerned people at the meeting voiced their opinion that this road was not suitable for 2000 cars he said could be parked there.
    Chair then went onto say they would be parking in the football fields. Again someone brought up the football fields would not be fit for use after, they would be churned up. Chair then said it was June when it was being held, comments again about the rain we usually get in June.
    There is no getting through to the chair, at all.
    He just wants his spectacular and marching band, the likes of what the young people in Hemsworth have never seen and won’t again. Those were his words!
    Where does he think our young people do/go??? Does he think we keep them locked up?
    I know my grandchildren have been all over the world and experienced wonders of the world such as Niagara falls.

  9. Anyone emailed the clerk to see if the amendments have been made to the parking plan? Or contacted SAG?
    I feel sorry for the people who live up Cemetery Road, it will be chaos. Maybe we should print an information sheet out or use HTC letter headed paper to inform all those who will be affected by this event up Cemetery Road and surrounding area? That’s what the chair did to hijack a meeting when Denise was there.

  10. So basically another load of bull spewing out of JFK’s gob. I believe at the meeting he said not everyone who goes to the event would be driving because they would want a drink.
    Question for JK have you contacted the train and bus operators to see if they will be providing a service on the day and if so will it be a reduced service as usually operates a bank holiday?

  11. Fraudulent slip there 😂 mean JK not JFK though to be fair we’d get more sense out of a dead man

  12. The promised Newsletter should be with us next week, which will no doubt promote the Vengaboys in the Park event. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to mention the potential “issues” which most residents won’t be aware of. Perhaps it’s time to launch “The Alternative News”, with the whole community as the target audience? Maybe someone has access to Microsoft Publisher? And then maybe volunteers can do the distribution? Anyone have any thoughts for this?

  13. There’s a potential for traffic chaos at the junction of cemetery road if the volume is high. You could have traffic coming from both directions up from crosshills and Kinsley one turning right one left then any traffic wishing to exit cemetery road turning in both directions. Legally any traffic control on the public highway as to be done by a competent qualified police officers. Stewards are not legally allowed to control traffic on the public highway they can on private land but not the highway. Add into the mix people parking up there will have to walk back to the park and cross that road the same coming back.

  14. Carol – they are advertising on the poster for people to use the greyhound car park on bonfire night, so let’s hope they know how bad it is with broken glass and sort it before then.
    Or they will be some unhappy people if they get glass in tyres or if anyone should fall on it, especially young children.

  15. He’s expecting people to park at cemetery road and then walk to the park. Some people just can’t or won’t do that.

    The people on cemetery road, Mount Avenue, Holly Bank, near the allotments etc will really struggle with access that day as, if people do by some miracle buy tickets, the field will get full and they’ll then park on the streets.

    I wonder if they’ve asked Outwood Academy if their car park can be used. That might be worth a shot, if they’re really expecting to sell so many tickets. But again I don’t think people from outside the area will want to park there, walk to the concert and walk back again after, especially if it’s dark.

  16. I have just emailed the clerk now to ask for copies of all the risk assessments for the concert, the parking plan(s) and contact details for everyone involved in the writing of said assessments and plans, alongside details of who to contact in Wakefield Council should I have any concerns over said documents.

  17. this stupid ill conceived venture going to cost more than live aid raised

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