Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Ferret has been contacted by someone who has made very serious allegations about Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Hemsworth Town Council.

He says he vividly remembers Mr Kenyon telling him he injured himself playing football a few years ago and no this wasn’t while he was playing with Kevin Keegan or representing England, but for a local team.

Apparently as the alleged incident goes, younger Jim sustained injuries playing in the weekend game. Jimmy was unable to “fix it”, sounds strange but apparently true, so he did the next best thing and being the brave soul that he is, he went to work on the Monday morning. Whilst at work, Jimmy had an accident whilst doing his pub deliveries.

Talk about co-incidences, our Jim sustained the same injuries, in the same places, as he did playing football the day before.

Mr Jim Kenyon then lodged a claim against the owners for negligence and sought a pay-out of over £300000, with an upper limit in excess of £1million pounds. In case you think you’ve misread that figure, here it is again, THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS TO IN EXCESS OF £1 MILLION POUNDS.

Ferret being Ferret sniffed around and as expected could not find any documentary evidence to support the football injury aspect to the alleged incident but persistent and deeper sniffing brought Ferret to unearth the actual papers from the Court case that Kenyon brought against the defendants.

It was heard at Leeds County Court; the full papers are below.

On reading these, Ferret was puzzled that although Mr Kenyon won the claim and was awarded the sum of £35 000, he was ordered to pay the defendants’ costs of £1305 pounds.
Very unusual thought Ferret, the loser in a case usually pays the costs of both sides not the winner.
Ferret continued his research and found the following explanation as to why the judge took this unusual step, here are a few reasons and will begin to explain why ferret has brought this story to your attention whether the football aspect is true or false, although Ferret has no reason to doubt the source as all the other information has checked out.

The general rule is that the unsuccessful party will be ordered to pay the costs of the successful party.  The Court may, however, make a different order: CPR 44.2(2).
CPR 44.2(4) provides that in deciding what (if any) order to make about costs, the Court will have regard to all circumstances, including:

  1. The conduct of all the parties;
  2. Whether a party has succeeded on part of its case, even if that party has not been wholly successful; and
  3. Any admissible offer to settle made by a party which is drawn to the court’s attention and which is not an offer to which costs consequences under Part 36 apply.

CPR 44.2(5) provides that the conduct of the parties includes:

  1. Conduct before, as well as during, the proceedings and in particular the extent to which the parties followed the Practice Direction: Pre-Action Conduct or any relevant pre-action protocol;
  2. Whether it was reasonable for a party to raise, pursue or contest a particular allegation or issue;
  3. The manner in which a party has pursued or defended its case or a particular allegation or issue; and
  4. Whether a claimant who has succeeded in the claim, in whole or in part, exaggerated its claim

Now Mr Kenyon as you can see from the court papers had sought damages in excess of £300000 to in excess of £1 million pounds. He was awarded £35,000 so somewhat of an exaggeration by any standards and now decide for yourselves how many of the other criteria Mr Kenyon will have met.

Do not let me prejudice you by saying that an offer to settle could have been made prior to the hearing?


Was it because of his conduct?


The manner it was pursued or defended etc.


Never accepting advice, that doesn’t come from Kenyon knows best la la land?

The reason that this is important now, is we all now know of Kenyon’s disasters with Court Cases, loss after loss after loss. We have the biggest case in the history for this community approaching with Saul Construction Limited v Hemsworth Town Council as defendants. It has been highlighted Hemsworth town Council have a very poor chance of even winning round 1 as stated by their own legal advisors and even if they do they will then be sued for £2.5 million pounds of restitution costs and could well still potentially face having to pay the costs of Saul Construction Limited due to the way the case has been dealt with by Mr Kenyon.

So, Heads or Tails the loss could be even bigger than we are expecting.

There is one more twist to this story and probably the most important, Kenyon was awarded £35,000 pounds by the court in 2011, less the £1305 pounds costs awarded against him (Ferret has to wonder if he actually paid them) but how was Mr Kenyon then able to claim and be awarded Legal aid to continue his vendetta to pursue his legal cases against Saul Construction Limited and Wakefield Council?

He must surely have been above the financial eligibility threshold with this pay-out?

By Ferret

10 thought on “Mr Jim Kenyon: Once a liar always a liar – Legal Aid?”
  1. And here we go again, years later and Kenyon has learnt nothing. In his world he would see this as a success and encourage his way of life of scam after scam. Never mind who gets hurt in the process to fill his own pockets. The timeline is right for the cases brought in his name on legal aid, so more of our money down the pan and he would definitely have been above the financial legal aid threshold. Very interesting to say the least. That this man is handling our financial assets is very very concerning.

  2. So all this was going on at around the same time that Kenyon was destroying the Ayr community leaving the junior football team without a ground and the community without a stadium. Yet he was finding time down here lying to the local community telling them the brand new sports facilities here weren’t good enough. What a slime ball he is. It’s going to cost us money to stop this sleaze balls antics but the plug needs pulling on this man and his jim will be ok schemes now.

  3. Lying and exaggerating to big up Kenyon and everything he does obviously isn’t new. It’s just the audiences that change. Damage and scarper is his way of life. I hope something can be done if he’s fiddled the legal aid, hope it’s not too late to be investigated.

  4. This does sound very familiar to how he’s dealing with the Saul case only this time he’s going to take us all down with him. I wonder if he’s already got his next travel tickets booked for a fast getaway when it all goes wrong here. Does he ever stop scamming he’s nothing but a disgrace.

  5. When are Kenyon’s supporters going to wake up whether they are councillors, genuine footballers, or cronies. This man should be rejected by everyone on sight. How much more has to come to light before you accept that this man is pure evil walking amongst us. If he won’t go voluntary, send him to Coventry, boycott anything he’s involved in, walk out of a room if he walks in. Stand up or are you all just as bad.

  6. Dot – he has a majority in the council that won’t walk out. See the vote of no confidence. His supporters on the vote. Linda Pringle, Eccles 1 & 2, graham Hirst, Stan Wilson the deputy, the other bloke (Mitchell?) Ian Womersley and he got a vote himself. Now Ian has left. But his drinking mate Shane is on so he still has the numbers. Shane stood up at the vote of no confidence vote and vouched for him.

    The opposition so far are
    Ann & Geoff.

    He would like nothing better than the opposition councillors to boycott and the public.

    What we need is more.
    More opposition.

    More sharing of the truth.

    Passing on the truth.
    More, more and more.
    And don’t stop. Because he will stand again in May 2023 and so will Stan, Eccles and the rest of the rest.

    The only thing that can be done is turn up. Email the clerk and make some noise.

  7. This man has no morals
    If people boycott now the damge could be devastating
    If he can destroy a children’s football team like the one in ary when he states its his passion then he capable of anything and I truly believe he is plain evil

  8. Yes I understand that, that is why my appeal is directed to the people who are currently supporting him both in and out of the council. Not at the good and honest people who are standing up to this corrupt and despicable piece of filth. If they are too frightened to openly criticise or oppose him, then leave him isolated especially in council where the good may then have the numbers to vote his stupidity down. It’s so easy for anyone he is reliant on , when he agendas anything he wants that’s dodgy simply don’t attend that meeting.

  9. More of the communities need to start attending council meetings and ask the difficult questions, no matter how much they try to shut you down, and they will try there upmost to shut you down.
    But if you are unhappy about something you need to stand up and be counted or you can’t then moan about it.
    That’s the only way they will realise people aren’t happy. Or vote with your feet at the next election.

  10. Oh my goodness gracious me Ethelbert put the kettle on and get me another tablet

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