Ferret should no doubt have predicted, that Narcissist Independent Chair of Hemsworth Town Council Mr Jim Kenyon can’t accept defeat.
Hemsworth Town Council recently voted to spend more of your money on further litigation, employing Bailoran Solicitors with regards to some Facebook posts which allegedly named Head of Security – Samantha Knowles.
Further to my post “Sharon Holmes vs Hemsworth Town Council”, the case which Hemsworth Town Council chose to spend your precept money fighting and subsequently lost.
The only people to receive a letter were Mr and Mrs Holmes – A coincidence?
Ferret also notes the solicitors specialise in Insolvency, they might be needed again sooner rather than later…

This concerns me so much
The way they protect miss Knowles what does she have in her favour
Shes a bully and a horrendous person and a bad manager who can lie and turn the taps on at the drop of a hat
The amount of good workers the council have lost due to her bullying and intimidation lowering their work hours if they disagree with anything she does calling Kenyon if they won’t do as she asks
Making it so they can’t afford to work there job so they have to find other employment
Asking the men to break health and safety to do jobs
Gone from being a bouncer to running everything with courses and other things being paid by us the Precept payers
She has everything paid for her
Her rent her food the furniture in the flat we even bought yet we are paying for her solicitors letters
No other company would do this at all NO OTHER COMPANY I state
The police would have stated for her to just ignore and block the persons making the statements about her as its not a crime
And the lies on the letters wouldn’t stand up in court
These are just blind threats for the comfort of Knowles and Kenyon knowing they were upsetting some one would be the biggest turn on for them both
They both thrive on it
power hungry
Well that power is going fast cos as soon as Kenyon loses his next election she will be out of a job and someone with qualifications, brains and people management skills to do the job will be employed
The time is running out fast for them both
Just hope to god we have something left when it comes
People need to shout louder so that everyone can hear
These people are up to something and my guess it’s not a good thing
He’s not only a narcissist but a misogynist, his dislike of women is so obvious, he can’t even allow them to ask a question without interrupting. He allows his stooges to be threatening and downright rude, again especially to women. He’s a little man especially in the brain area but not ego, so ladies take heart and don’t let him anger you, this “man” is actually terrified of you, laugh at his small minded insecurity. His use of solicitors, at our expense just goes on and on. His list of failures gets longer and longer and it seems like it will keep on growing with the likely consequences as ferret points out, of insolvency for this community unless he is stopped. The vendetta against Mr and Mrs Holmes is totally unacceptable and the sending of solicitors letters that in reality are not worth the paper they are printed on is designed to upset and nothing else. Kenyon you lost, you were wrong again as usual. The other councillors need to step up and step in immediately and show Kenyon and the Eccles’ that the full council make the decisions and not these self serving people that are currently directing the direction this council is going and it is not a good or acceptable way.
To Mr and Mrs Holmes, don’t let him intimidate you, you won, he Lost again, he’s not worth a second thought, you can hold your heads up high, he can’t, he was even too ashamed and scared to go to the old folks treat at Fitzwilliam.
Is there part of the letter missing? It doesn’t even make sense? How much did this cost the precept payer?
It doesn’t make sense as you say. Ferret would also question whether the legal advice contained in the letter issued by the solicitors is actually correct.
I have questioned this elsewhere as follows:
Surely the alleged victim should have started by using Facebook’s defamation of character form? If that didn’t work, then FB clearly don’t feel it’s a legal issue for them.
That letter reads like a badly constructed template letter from some online law firm. And I’m not sure it’s correct in asserting that someone’s Facebook page is ‘hosted’ by them.
Also, a brief Google suggests defamation lawyers write to the site host (Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, etc) rather than the individual responsible for the defamation, in the first instance.
I’ve only ever seen this type of cease and desist letter used with regards to election leaflets, and the result was that the people involved stopped delivering that particular leaflet, but did not issue a correction nor an apology. The person who was being attacked was advised that it would be a lengthy and expensive process to sue the other side, and not worth it in the circumstances (ie the election would be over long before the case would ever reach court).
You are correct Lyn. The worrying thing is that Hemsworth Town Council have paid for this using our money.
An initial meeting, drafting the letter, sending it to HTC for approval, writing the letter and then sending it out.
And another firm of solicitors – Are there any Kenyon hasn’t used?
Bailoran Solicitors
“We advise directors who want to buy back their insolvent business and operate a new company with the same or similar name. Should you require any further information on the services we offer, please contact 0113 266 0735”
I found this snippet on their Facebook page.
This might be legal practice but, if a company goes into liquidation (often leaving it’s suppliers unpaid), it has to be unethical for those same directors to carry on trading under a slightly different name.
Yet these award winning solicitors support this practice.
And furthermore, our HTC Councillors support this Solicitor’s practice by being their customer.
Or is it that certain people will use these solicitors to buy certain parts of our community assetts when this council goes into liquidation for next to nothing. We can all guess their names