Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret was confused when looking through some old election campaign material produced by Mr Jim Kenyon on one of his many unsuccessful attempts to be elected.

Mr Jim Kenyon was boasting that he was a member of the Samaritans.

Ferret found this very strange and hard to believe so contacted a source for clarification…

It turns out Mr Jim Kenyon had joined the local branch of the Samaritans just prior to having his election materials printed…

He failed to attend any meetings and was never heard from again…A lucky escape for them!

By Ferret

5 thought on “A good Samaritan?…”
  1. Lower and lower does he sink, well I suppose he’s got another “expert” qualification to add to his list. Can you imagine anyone with an issue and in distress, phoning in for help and getting through to this lowlife.
    Heaven forbid if it was a woman, doesn’t bear thinking about. They definitely wouldn’t get a word in while he sung his own endless praises

  2. What a JoKe, this thing named Kenyon a Samaritan, Mr lie after lie motor mouth, Even if he had been elected they wouldn’t have seen or heard from him again but that’s a plus side. As we know he will say anything to benefit the world of Kenyon no matter what damage personal and community he causes.

  3. The lies that come out of this man’s mouth is horrendous
    You can tell when he’s lying because his mouth moves
    All those that believe this man and believe his rubbish need to be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen
    Again the only way to get rid of this plague is to let wakefield take back control

  4. when was this abhorrent verminous seropant elected onto the council and what ward please

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