Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

At last night’s meeting, Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council continued to duck and dive and distort reality with the world of Jim Kenyon, into which this Township is being sucked deeper and deeper.

Despite only selectively answering questions chosen by him and trying to continuing to avoid the questions that he knows will seriously expose his lies to the general public, his lying continued and spurted from his mouth seemingly endlessly.

However, he did share a few details that will make your hair stand on end:

His plans for the disputed site on Kirkby road.

Without going into the additional costs of the litigation with Saul construction over the site (that’s another story that will follow) Mr Kenyon revealed:

•             Cunliffe designs have drawn up plans for the site.

•             Hemsworth Town Council have no business plans in place for the site.

•             No actual assessments or feasibility studies have taken place.

•             The cost for build would be somewhere between £6 to £8 Million pounds

By Ferret

6 thought on “Ayr we go again…”
  1. if town council as no plans for site .why have Cunliffe designs drawn up plans for the site.? why do this if no plans ?and what cost as occured for a design they wount be using ….laugh a minite …

  2. A leopard doesn’t change its spots, Kenyon and business failure after business failure and cannot understand or comprehend in any way that he’s totally incompetent and not an expert at anything especially business. Dead easy to waste other people’s money and mark my words Kenyon will want his name on all the facilities soon or what’s left of them. The Jim Kenyon sports complex, Kenyon towers community centre etc. He’s an absolute megalomaniac but thick as two short planks and as they say not as useful.

  3. Seriously are these people smoking something? If not they seriously ought to start

  4. Interesting response from Cllr Kenyon.
    In October 20 I asked:
    Apart from the Budgeted expenditure for 2020/2021, do the Council have any other Plans for this and future years? If so, what are they, when have they/will they be discussed and can they be shared with residents?

    I received the response:
    The council has several plans which have had to be ‘parked’ or delayed for the time being due to COVID – the two primary examples being the renovation of the former sports complex off Kirkby Road, Hemsworth and the Hemsworth Music Festival, both of which have been discussed several times at council/committee meetings and will be again in the New Year.

    They have plans!!

  5. Plans for something that is still subject to litigation on which the best advice you’ve received is “you have more chance of winning than losing”. Now I’m sure any legal advocate worthy of the name would also add on to that advice the consequences of losing the action and the likely costs of doing so something like a surgeon will tell you prior to an operation he’ll give you both the bad and the good he’d be failing in his duty otherwise. That said if you’re not the one being operated on or the one picking the very large legal bill up then why worry. Planning it should not even be an idea at this stage never mind planning more insanity

  6. The smell that comes from Kenyon’s bungalow would say yes he is smoking something.

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