Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Following last weeks post regarding the donkey’s and an entry for £2000 which a contributor mentioned, Ferret can confirm this entry relates to a farm building which has been erected in the compound at Hemsworth Waterpark.

Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair, Hemsworth Town Council informed his colleagues that this building was a “gift” which had been kindly donated to Hemsworth Town Council – A gift which cost you £2000.

The shell of the building was erected by the staff at the Waterpark. They were instructed to do this by Mr Jim Kenyon using unsafe scaffolding and even having to work from the bucket of the digger.

Ferret can confirm, following an investigation by the Health and Safety Executive, Hemsworth Town Council were reprimanded.

Further to this, Ferret can also confirm this is where the £8000 of concrete (paid for in cash) was poured.

Now this seems to be a large sum of money to Ferret, I wonder just how big the hole was they were filling in – and what they had buried…

By Ferret

25 thought on “Don’t worry – Jim’ll Fix It”
  1. When I was looking into the buried waste over by the small lake/the boundary with Vale Head Park, a source told me that asbestos was buried under the concrete base of that building, but of course, there’s no proof without tearing down that shed and digging up the concrete.

  2. So the gift has cost us the precept payers over £10000 up to press that we now know about, yet another lie out of the mouth of Kenyon and of course cash payments unsurprisingly used. Does sound like an awful lot of concrete as, I may be wrong but the base excluding the stanchions looks to be hardcore. The men being made to work out of the bucket is deplorable and totally unacceptable. Surprised his mates couldn’t do it but then again this was real work and why work when you can get money for nothing. The list of this man’s disasters gets longer and longer and this one could have resulted in serious injury or heaven forbid death.

  3. Ferret – This was discussed at the town council meeting held on the 5th August 2020 which was live which you can view.
    Roughly 58 mins in and it states the purchase price of £2,000. They discuss the cost of the concrete base which comes in less that what they thought.

  4. wonder what they buried underneath all that concrete? could it be what envoiramental health were looking for? and couldnt find

  5. Lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie. If this con man talks in his sleep I’ll bet he spouts lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie.

  6. Oops sorry it should say – the concrete came in a lot more than what they thought.
    Plus it was raised about doing a risk assessment !!!

  7. That’s a surprise not! They needed deep pockets that day. Has anyone paid a firm £8000 for concrete or anything else these days in cash? I thought the money laundering laws were in place to prevent such transactions.

  8. Wow! Did this building get any kind of planning permission? Surely it must have…but what a monstrosity it appears to be. This will be to keep all J*mmys toys in like his burger van bought from another mate with a yard around the corner from Gordon! He can keep the excavator in..the machine that doubles up as a scaffold bucket ! The waterpark now with an asbestos tainted blot on the landscape! More cash and spending on it no doubt as it will need a roof and secure doors and locks etc. Doesnt look much like a stable…where for art thou the donkeys p.s I am not Ferret.

  9. Ritchie – A lot more was spent on this building.
    What were the cost of the services of project Manager ? See council meeting on 12.11.20 where discussed.
    New Roofing approved at council meeting on 7.1.21

  10. A lot of entries in the records for the “new build” and “compound” totalling around £1900 plus a lot of “hardware” entries which of course could be for anywhere? Then a strange entry for “Lakeside roof loan”! On top of this there is more repairs and kit to all the machinery that was bought. As if the cafe/ bar wasn’t costing enough..they got to build another money pit in the garden !!

    Resolved that the quote from Smart Asbestos for the removal of asbestos be
    accepted and approved.?
    noticed no mins or agendas up on town site sinse people started asking questions

    To consider any action deemed necessary to deal with invective on social
    media directed at council staff. 19th august at meeting this was disgust ,more money being spent to quiten the public …

  13. Smart asbestos removal from Nottingham is the same company used for the report on the Waterpark buried waste scandal ! There report was very dubious in my opinion…lacking detail and depth ! 50% of the report involved digging a six inch hole, taking a photo of it and proclaiming “thankfully” no trace of asbestos found on undisturbed ground !!! My little dog can dig deeper than that! Also I am pretty sure J*mmy has already boasted that 120 allotments have already been cleared of rubbish and asbestos!!! It all stinks to high heaven!

  14. Reading all the comments on here and watching the live meeting on 5th August. The councillors were given false information of the true cost of this building when making their vote.
    Shouldn’t someone be held to account for this.

  15. Was planning permission needed for a building of this size,if so was it applied for, I’m sure a freedom of information request could establish this. What were council staff doing this type of work for when clearly it’s not their field of work and obviously by the photos done against all safety regulations and exceptionally dangerous. What is a councillor doing there supervising work clearly not his remit and he has no legal authority to instruct any employee that’s why they have paid managers and supervisors for. Lastly what in heavens name was this thing purchased for like the burger van the dumper the roller the digger and uncle Tom Cobbly and all it stinks

  16. Anyone fancy a clerical assistant job??
    There’s a catch though it’s with HTC I’m sure jim will fix it for you if you are prepared to be his yes man/woman.

  17. are they replacing the deputy town clerk’s position with a clerical assitant or is it an additional job? Bet Kenyon womersley and co will be more than happy to get rid of a senior employee position, who if they do their job right, may support the town clerk to do his job right and stop this blatant breech of rules.

  18. Maybe a bit cynical but since a budget was approved for waste and asbestos disposal and nothing published since, just wandering if waste was buried at waterpark and money buried in some JoKes own pockets

  19. So £8,000 in cash on concrete, could be considered as money laundering. Was a ticket given by the company stating how many cubic meters supplied. How can a company hide £8,000 worth of concrete in their accounts.

  20. What’s happening ferret? Earlier I tried to get on here and it asked for verification I wasn’t a robot. 5 mins ago it said site was suspended! Now very slow to load up.

  21. Can I just state that the person commenting under the name of “Sid” is NOT councillor Shaun Middleton who also goes by the name of Sid.
    Thank you

  22. So where can you see the 8,000 spent on concrete ?

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